Well... This model is VERY TRICKY to use, however I found it great for improving composition/lighting/bloom effects. So I will upload it as I plan to use it quite often, however I can't recommend it to you because it is really tricky.
However, if you are a masochist like me, then:
Be sure to use artists tags! You can look for examples in my prompts.
Add lighting tags, something like: sunlight, glowing, underlighting, sidelighting etc.
Add background tags: detailed background, scenery, outdoors, indoors etc.
Weight from 0.6-0.85. I recommend somewhere around 0.7-0.8. But feel free to experiment.
Additional information:
I trained this LoRA on edited (by me in photoshop) images of Konya Karasue, however even though the style is remotely similar, it is not identical. I suggest you use this LoRA if you are looking for artist's style. Y_X's LoRAs are wonderful! Be sure to check them.