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SDXL Workflow Templates for ComfyUI with ControlNet

Updated: Oct 12, 2023
Sep 23, 2023
Base Model
SDXL 1.0
default creator card background decoration
Holiday 2023: 5 lights
Akatsuzi's Avatar

These workflow templates are intended as multi-purpose templates for use on a wide variety of projects. They can be used with any SDXL checkpoint model.

They are intended for use by people that are new to SDXL and ComfyUI.

List of Templates

  • Simple SDXL Template

  • Intermediate SDXL Template

    • ControlNet (Zoe depth)

  • Advanced SDXL Template

    • ControlNet (4 options)

    • A and B versions (see below for more details)

Additional Simple and Intermediate templates are included, with no Styler node, for users who may be having problems installing the Mile High Styler.


  • ComfyUI installation

  • at least 8GB VRAM is recommended


Important: Please run updates on the custom nodes before loading new template versions. This will ensure the template picks up new node versions and not the older versions.

Optional downloads (recommended)


Please see the new CivitAI article

Troubleshooting Guide

Installation and Setup

Please see our new CivitAI article

Installation and Setup Guide

On first use

  • select the XL models and VAE (do not use SD 1.5 models)

  • select an upscale model

  • add a default image in each of the Load Image nodes (purple nodes)

  • add a default image batch in the Load Image Batch node (on Intermediate and Advanced templates)

    • e.g. E:\Comfy Projects\default batch

    • it should contain one png image, e.g. image.png

  • add default LoRAs or set each LoRA to Off and None (on Intermediate and Advanced templates)

  • add an XL ControlNet model (on Intermediate and Advanced templates)

  • set the batch-size parameter in XL Aspect Ratio (e.g. 1, 2, 4)

  • set the filename_prefix in Save Image to your preferred sub-folder

  • set control_after_generate in the sampler to randomize

  • do a test run

  • save a copy to use as your template

You can use any SDXL checkpoint model for the Base and Refiner models. Please don't use SD 1.5 models unless you are an advanced user.

Things to try (for beginners)

  • try different XL models in the Base model

  • try -1 or -2 in CLIP Set Last Layer

  • try different styles on the prompt

  • try different sampling methods and schedulers in the Sampler

  • try different numbers of steps in the Sampler (e.g. 20, 30, 40)

  • try different cfg values in the Sampler

  • try different base_ratios in the Sampler (e.g. 075, 0.8, 1.0)

  • try using Img2Img

A and B Template Versions


  • these templates are the easiest to use and are recommended for new users of SDXL and ComfyUI

  • they are also recommended for users coming from Auto1111

  • the templates produce good results quite easily

  • they will also be more stable with changes deployed less often


  • these templates are 'open beta' WIP templates and will change more often as we try out new ideas

  • they are a bit more advanced and so are not recommended for beginners

  • they include new SDXL nodes that are being tested out before being deployed to the A-templates

  • the default presets are preset 1 and preset A

Simple SDXL Template Features

  • Txt2Img or Img2Img

  • batch size on Txt2Img and Img2Img

  • SDXL apect ratio selection

  • base and refiner models

  • separate prompts for positive and negative styles

  • SDXL mix sampler

  • Hires Fix

Intermediate SDXL Template Features

  • Txt2Img or Img2Img

  • batch size on Txt2Img and Img2Img

  • SDXL apect ratio selection

  • base and refiner models

  • separate prompts for potive and negative styles

  • SDXL mix sampler

  • Hires Fix

  • ControlNet zoe depth

  • 6 LoRA slots (can be toggled On/Off)

Advanced SDXL Template Features

  • Txt2Img or Img2Img

  • Img2Img batch

  • batch size on Txt2Img and Img2Img

  • image padding on Img2Img

  • SDXL apect ratio selection

  • base and refiner models

  • separate prompts for positive and negative styles

  • SDXL mix sampler

  • Hires Fix

  • 4 ControlNet options

    • canny

    • open pose

    • zoe depth

    • softedge dexined

  • 6 LoRA slots (can be toggled On/Off)

  • post processing options

Template A

Template B


  • each optional component can be bypassed using logic switches (red nodes)

  • the default setting on all switches is Off (1)

  • it is not recommended to use SD1.5 models in the SDXL templates

  • some models don't need a refiner so you can set the base_ratio in the sampler to 1 for these

  • set Preview method: Auto in ComfyUI Manager to see previews on the samplers


Change History

  • 1.1

    • Advanced Template added

      • A and B versions

    • new nodes

      • CR Aspect Ratio SDXL

      • CR SDXL Prompt Mixer

      • CR SDXL Style Text

      • CR SDXL Base Prompt Encoder

      • CR Img2Img Process Switch

      • CR Hires Fix Process Switch

      • CR LoRA Stack

      • CR Apply LoRA Stack

      • CR Latent Batch Size

      • CR Halftone Grid

  • 2.0

    • Fix for missing Seed node

    • new nodes

      • CR Seed

      • CR Batch Process Switch

      • CR SDXL Prompt Mix Presets

    • CR SDXL Prompt Mix Presets replaces CR SDXL Prompt Mixer in Advanced Template B

  • 2.1

    • Updated SDXL sampler

    • Updated Mile High Styler

    • new nodes

      • CR Upscale Image

Advanced stuff starts here - Ignore if you are a beginner

These are used on SDXL Advanced SDXL Template B only

SDXL Prompt Presets

  • the prompt presets influence the conditioning applied in the sampler

  • there are currently 5 presets

  • it is planned to add more presets in future versions

  • the detailed preset mappings are provided in the Legacy Mappings section of the article:

SDXL Conditioning Presets

  • the conditioning presets also influence the conditioning applied in the sampler

  • there are currently 3 experimental presets

  • the default is preset A


The prompts used for testing the templates were borrowed from pictures shared on the awesome AI Revolution discord sever.

There is a thriving ComfyUI community on AI Revolution.

The templates owe a lot to the great work done by Searge on developing new SDXL nodes and advanced workflows.