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【Muggle Lora】证件照 ID-photo /identification photo

Updated: Aug 18, 2023
Aug 18, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
identification photo


Everyone is welcome to use th models! If you like my work, feel free to buy me a coffee on ko-fi ☕.

如您有模型定制或其他合作、咨询需求,请联系Wechat: pomelonioi。请简单注明来意,时间宝贵不闲聊哈,谢谢理解!

If you have any model customization or other collaboration and consultation needs, please contact Wechat: pomelonioi . Kindly provide a brief description of your inquiry, as there's limited time and no time for casual chats. Thank you!





(2)使用majicmixrealistic v6作为底模,采样方式DPM++ 2M SDE Karras,步数30或更高以上,CFGscale7,记得开高清修复,生成一张不错的证件照底图;

(3)正面提示词举例:identification photo,1 girl,long hair,bangs,looking at viewer,(white shirt,blue tie,red background:1.3),happy,smile,负面提示词自己写,底色可以换成white/blue/grey background;

(4)打开adetailer插件,模型选择face,Adetailer prompt中放入你的人脸lora,格式为<lora:人物:权重>,权重建议0.75以上



如果你遇到背景和人物衣服总是同色的情况,推荐使用防染色神器cutoff插件,比如我希望得到“白衬衫、蓝领带、红底色”的照片,在Target tokens中输入(white shirt,blue tie,red background),weight拉到2







要出男生的底图记得多打tag,比如(1 boy,male focu:1.3),权重多调试




To achieve the desired results with this LoRa, it's important to review my instructions before usage. Thank you very much for your patient reading.

Important matters stated three times: Do not directly overlay ID-photo LoRa and character LoRa in the prompt section. Do not directly overlay ID-photo LoRa and character LoRa in the prompt section. Do not directly overlay ID-photo LoRa and character LoRa in the prompt section.

The optimal approach for using ID-photo LoRa is as follows: Begin by using weights to apply the adetailer plugin for facial replacement.

(1) You already have a facial LoRa with relatively high similarity, but do not place it in the prompt section. The LoRa in the prompt section should only feature the ID-photo, with a weight of 1 (ensure a high weight setting). (2) Utilize majicmixrealistic v6 as the base model, using DPM++ 2M SDE Karras sampling method, with 30 or more steps, CFGscale7. Remember to activate high-definition repair for generating a good base image for the ID-photo. (3) For frontal prompts: identification photo, 1 girl, long hair, bangs, looking at the viewer, (white shirt, blue tie, red background: 1.3), happy, smile. Negative prompts can be self-created. Background color can be changed to white/blue/grey. (4) Open the adetailer plugin, choose the face model, and input your facial LoRa into the Adetailer prompt in the format <LoRa: character: weight>, with a recommended weight of 0.75 or higher.

Fine-Tuning Optimization Plan for ID Photo Lora:

(1) Distinguishing Background and Clothing Colors: If you encounter situations where the background and the person's clothing are always of the same color, it is recommended to use the anti-staining tool, the 'cutoff' plugin. For example, if I want to achieve a photo with "white shirt, blue tie, red background," input (white shirt, blue tie, red background) in the Target tokens and set the weight to 2.

(2) Adjusting Facial Shape of Subject against Background: If you find that after using 'adetailer' for face swapping, the 'facial features match but not the face shape,' I recommend you download the 'Muggle Lora' facial shape adjustment tool from This Lora tool won't interfere with the composition of the image. It can be combined with the ID photo Lora and added to the frontal prompts. The weight range is from -1.5 (oval face) to 1.5 (round face).

(3) Generating a Female Image from a Male Subject: I can clearly tell you that this is a common issue with SD (Style-DALI). You can try using a base model that is more skilled at generating male subjects. This is not just a Lora-specific problem; it's widely known that SD's training data is skewed towards females. When generating a male base image, remember to use relevant tags like (1 boy, male focus: 1.3) and fine-tune the weights.

What to Do If You Only Have One Photo? Please use Photoshop or apps like Meitu Xiuxiu; avoid using SD. The original intention of using Lora is not for simple face swapping with a single image. If you insist on using SD's ROOP plugin, facial similarity cannot be guaranteed due to issues with the ROOP model, not Lora's model."