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Coca Cola ( Gil Elvgren/Haddon Sundblom) Pinup Style

Nov 2, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Steps: 800
Epochs: 6
Usage Tips
Clip Skip: 1
Trigger Words
gil elvgren
haddon sundblom
coca cola
default creator card background decoration
iamxenos's Avatar

This Style LoRa is actually a merge of two artist styles I ran which didn't really work as I'd hoped. While playing around with them, though, I found that combining them together actually let me get the look and feel I was going for pretty well - both together and with the individual elements.

The Artists:

Haddon Sundblom: Close your eyes and think of Santa Claus - that picture you have in your head is almost certainly the Santa Claus created by Sundblom for Coca Cola. And outside the Christmas season, his Coca Cola pinup ads, calendars, etc. are some of the most recognizable and defining images from the Coke Pinup days.

Gil Elvgren: In addition to Coca Cola pinups, Elvgren painted many 40's and 50's celebrities from Donna Reed to Kim Novak. Known for skirts riding just a bit high and exposed legs in stockings, Elvgren was considered one of the best of his time. His art appeared everywhere from the Saturday Evening Post to Good Housekeeping.

You can trigger them together (e.g. Pinup Art by Haddon Sundblom and Gil Elvgren) or you can trigger each individually.


These are terms which can bring out specific styles - often combined together, but individually, as well.

Coca Cola: Adds Coca Cola branding, sodas, and (typically) Coke's red color scheme.

Pinup: Generally reinforces the mid 20th century pinup look including the styling of the clothes you're calling for as well as hairstyles and so on.

Advertisement: Works best with "Coca Cola" along with it - it'll tend to push toward making it all look like a full page ad. I haven't experimented a lot, but I'd imagine that it works (at least to some extent) with many known brands.

Other Triggers:

There are quite a few other tokens I included in here - some of which work well and others... well... not so much. Among those which work well:

Stockings or Stockings and Garter: These help trigger that "exposed leg" and/or "lifted skirt" type look of Elvgren's.

Most clothing items work pretty well, too. You can see the list of things by hitting the "I" button in your LoRa list in A111.


Works well at full power on most models. You may want to go slightly higher or lower depending upon your model, other LoRa's you're working with, and the types of things in your scene.

Because these artists were painters, certain elements always seem to take on a bit of a painted look - Coke Bottles usually have a bit of comic bend to them. Hands look like hands, but often a bit more "hand drawn" than other elements. (This is, of course, also affected by SD's general issues with hands - but for the most part they look good).

Don't even bother with the garden hose and spraying water tokens you see in there. It sprays water - and looks pretty cool - but that water seems to randomly spray from just about anything OTHER than the damned hose. lol (I had one early test where the water was shooting from the pinup's nose.)

Like it? Buy me a beer.

I'm using Civitai's trainer - so Buzz Point tips are helpful too - even just a few add up.

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