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Kawaii Animetic

Checkpoint Merge
Jun 16, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5


This is a KawaiiAnimetic based on a completely new base model. The previous ones were based on completely different base models, but they often ended up looking similar when you tweak them, so this time I tried to change the finishing stage as much as possible.

I didn't go all out with the anime painting. I didn't eliminate coloring with ambient light, but I kept it light. I tried to put together this with the policy of not including too much background or various elements. The face has a slightly different cute style. Although the body structure can be strange, I think it's a model that can be used relatively easily.



KawaiiAnimetic Ver.4.0 LCM

4.0 is an SD model in the style of a nostalgic era of Japanese anime.

The concept is Hirano's outline, Mikimoto's eyes, Urushihara's painting, and Shinkai's background. Well, they're quite different. It would have been nice to have some of Araki's composition as well, but I couldn't find any suitable materials.



Since this is an LCM model, please use LCM or Euler a for the sampler, with a step number of about 10 and a CFG scale of 2 as a guideline.

LCMモデルですので,サンプラーにはLCMかEuler aを使い,ステップ数10程度,CFG scale 2を目安にしてください。



KawaiiAnimetic is the first model I published, and it feels like a long time ago, but it's only been 4 months. Sorry I made you wait. I will release ver.3.0.


KA3 is an LCM model, so please use LCM or Euler a for the sampler. DPM++2M Kararas and DPM++SDE Kararas are acceptable, but please keep in mind that the picture may become rough. Also, although KA3 is an LCM model, please ensure the number of steps is approximately 10 to 15. CFG scale is about 1-3. When using a sampler other than LCM, please consider that the upper limit is 2. It is better to have more steps. In addition to LCM, the sample images also include SDE Kararas and 2M Kararas. You can tell at a glance which one is LCM.

KA3はLCMモデルですので,サンプラーにはLCMかEuler aを使用してください。DPM++2M Kararas,DPM++SDE Kararasあたりは許容範囲ですが,絵が荒れやすくなることに留意してください。また,KA3はLCMモデルですが,ステップ数は10~15程度確保してください。CFG scaleは1~3程度です。LCM以外のサンプラーを使う場合は,上限2だと思ってください。ステップ数も多めにしたほうがよいです。サンプル画像にはLCMのほかにSDE Kararasと2M Kararasのものも混ぜてあります。どれがLCMかは一目でわかるでしょう。

I've recently been working on other anime models as well. The difference between KawaiiAnimetic and ThusOrdinary is that TO is a model oriented towards anime illustration, while KA is a model focused on anime drawing.

However, even in KA3, the cel style painting is still incomplete. Lora for skin has been updated since KA2 was created, but it is not enough. In addition, we tried using LBM to increase the effect while suppressing the overall impact, but the effect becomes weak against a wide range of gradations, and we cannot expect overall effectiveness, so we used a non-LBM version for the final version. I am.

Currently, pursuing a coloring style tends to result in poor image quality, broken pictures, and some prompts don't look like pictures at all. The current KA3 is an adjustment of the balance in this area, but as a result, the painting style is incomplete and some pictures may appear broken, so please be careful.

The KA2 is also used in the TO, and the base of the KA3 is one of the models currently under development. The main side effect is that the feathers of succubi etc. may turn white.





Regarding LCM, the KA1 version, which only pursued speed, was released for a time, but it has now been discontinued because it is undesirable to limit expressiveness even if only speed is desired. However, as it is now possible to avoid this, we are focusing on LCM without worrying about it, and all recent models are released with LCM specifications. Speed is justice in AI. TO2 and KA3 have specifications similar to Half LCM, and since they are slower than normal LCM, they can be handled more flexibly.

LCMについては,速度だけを追求したKA1版を一時期公開していましたが,速度だけを求めても表現力に制限が加わるのは望ましくないことなどから,現在は公開を取りやめていました。ただ,現状ではそれを回避することもできるようになったので,気にせずLCM中心でやっており,最近のモデルはすべてLCM仕様で公開しています。AIで速度は正義です。TO2やKA3はHalf LCMといった感じの仕様であり,通常のLCMより遅い分,より柔軟に扱えるようにしています。

*After trying many more things, I came to a simple conclusion: ``It's better to use Lora without merging,'' so I won't update the deleted files. But, I will leave the explanation for the LCM version as is.

I have incorporated LCM Lora into KaywaiiAnimetic V1 (KA1) to speed up image generation.

LCM Lora has a specification that requires the number of steps to be 3 (that makes it faster), but most models require about 10 to produce a practical picture. For a prompt like 1girl, it's okay to get a prompt of about 5, but if you want to come up with a normally useful picture, you'll need about 8. The possibility of reducing the number of steps depends on how fast the original model converges. So I tried it with KA1, which is the fastest model I have released. All sample images are generated using Step 3 + HiRes.FIX.

イメージ生成を高速化するLCM LoraをKaywaiiAnimetic V1(KA1)組み込みました。

LCM Loraはステップ数は3にしろというという仕様のLoraですが(それだけ速くなる),ほとんどのモデルで実用になる絵を出すには10くらいは必要になります。1girlくらいのプロンプトなら5くらいで出なくもないですが,普通に実用になる絵を出そうとすると8くらいは必要になります。ステップ数の削減可能性は,元のモデルの収束の速さに依存します。そこで私の公開しているモデルで最速のKA1で試してみました。サンプル画像はすべてステップ3+HiRes.FIXで生成しています。

However, the KA1 was originally a model that produced fairly decent pictures even at step 10 or below, so there is no benefit at all if you use it at step 8 or so.

When I tried to incorporate LCM normally, I felt that up to about 6 was the practical limit. As a result of trying various things, I have narrowed down the settings to a point where I think it is within the practical range up to 4, although anything below 3 is quite difficult, so I decided to present it. Pictures will appear in Step 2, but once you reach a certain level of usability, it will be at least 4. Even if it doesn't reach SDXL Turbo, I think it's one of the fastest at SD1.5.


普通にLCMを組み込んでみると,6くらいまでが実用限界という感じでした。いろいろやった結果,3以下ではかなり苦しくなりますが,4までは実用範囲なのではないかと思えるところまで設定を詰めましたので発表してみることにしました。ステップ2でも絵は出てくるのですが,ある程度使えるレベルとなると最低でも4になります。SDXL Turboには届かなくても,SD1.5では最速級にはなったと思います。

First, download the KA1 LCM version and run an appropriate prompt with about 5 sampling steps (If you are already using KA1 and LCM Lora, the combination will probably be the same, so there is no need to download a new one). I recommend a CFG Scale of around 1.5. When using Sampling steps 6 or lower, use a different Sampler instead of LCM. Recommended is DPM++ 3M SDE. It depends on the pattern, but the following is a rough guide for step 4.

  • DPM++ 3M SDE CFG 1.5 (recommended)

  • DPM++ SDE Karras CFG 1

  • Euler a CFG 1.8

DPM++ 2M Kararas can be used in step 5, and DPM++ 3M SDE Kararas can be used in step 6 or higher.

まずKA1 LCM版をダウンロードし,サンプリングステップ数5程度で適当なプロンプトを実行してください(すでにKA1とLCM Loraを使っている人はその組み合わせでもたぶん同じですので,新たにダウンロードする必要はありません)。CFG Scaleは1.5くらいを推奨します。Sampling steps6以下での使用では,SamplerにはLCMではなく,別のものを使用してください。推奨はDPM++ 3M SDEです。絵柄にもよりますが,以下はstep4時のだいたいの目安です。

  • DPM++ 3M SDE    CFG 1.5 (推奨)

  • DPM++ SDE Karras   CFG 1

  • Euler a        CFG 1.8

DPM++ 2M Kararasはステップ5,DPM++ 3M SDE Kararasはステップ6以上でなら使用可能です。

Generally, when using a model with LCM, use LCM for the sampler. Although it is not required this time, if you do not have it, please extend sd-webui-animatediff and obtain it.


Assuming you use HiRes.Fix, it is okay to use 3 steps.

If you use ADtailer, it will be even easier, but the essential drawing speed itself will be unreasonably slow, so i am not considering it at all this time.



Step 3

Step3 + Hires.Fix

Note that using DPM++ 3M SDE as a sampler is an effective method not only for this model but also when using LCM Lora. If you are not satisfied with the LCM standard sampler, try it.

なお,サンプラーにDPM++ 3M SDEを使うというのは,このモデルに限らず,LCM Loraを使用するときにも有効な手法です。LCM標準のサンプラーではもの足りない人は試してみてください。

The points to note when using LCM are as follows.

  • The picture will not be the same as without LCM

  • Complex pictures require more steps

  • With low steps, the body structure is easily damaged.

  • Negative prompt has no effect unless CFG 2 or higher

Taking these things into account, you will decide the number of steps depending on whether you want speed or stability. For example, if the rate of obviously strange pictures goes from 10% to 50%, there is almost no benefit to doubling the speed.


  • LCMなしと同じ絵が出るわけではない

  • 込み入った絵ではステップ数が多めに必要

  • 低ステップでは身体構造などは壊れやすい

  • Negative promptはCFG 2以上でないと効果がない


Kawaii Animetic V2.0

Aiming to stabilize character output, I renewed the base model and created a new anime-style image model. The character's taste is oriented to be the same as V1, but it is somewhere between common anime models and V1.

However, unlike V1, not everything will be made into an anime picture. I recommend adding "anime" to the prompt.


ただし,V1とは違って,なんでもかんでもアニメ絵にするわけではありません。プロンプトに anime の追加を推奨します。

In V2,I improved things like below.

-Face output stabilization

-Pose stabilization

-Make drawing lines vivid

The base model was made by the learning data of over 20 different models, merged in the same ratio. To add characters and painting styles, I merged some models on them. Hopefully, you will be able to handle as many situations as possible.







Thanks Super Merger.


for V1

This is an Japanese anime style SD model based on Kawaii Realistic Anime Mix A0.4.

Initially, I was creating a flat version that should make roughly the same pictures as A04, but after getting a little carried away and trying out various things, I decided to make it public because I thought it was good enough. Unfortunately, the picture this makes is different from A04. This model based on A04, but since not even a piece of "Realistic" remains, I decided to name it "Animetic".

Kawaii Realistic Anime Mix A0.4をベースとしたアニメ調のモデルです。


Please use negative prompts to a minimum. In many cases it is not necessary.

Certain samplers are extremely prone to burning. If the burn is severe with the 2M type, try using the SDE type.

I used vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors for verification, but you can use any VAE of your choice.

I recommend a CFG Scale of 3 or higher and a step count of 10 or higher.

When running on an old GPU or CPU (even in a laptop PC), it produces a decent picture with fewer steps.

Negative promptは最小限で使ってください。多くの場合は必要ありません。



CFG Scaleは3以上,ステップ数は10以上を推奨。
