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PVC Figurerizer

Updated: May 27, 2024
base model
Checkpoint Merge
Apr 22, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5 LCM


PVC Figurerizer ver.2.0 is LCM specification. Please use LCM or Euler a for the sampler. The standard number of steps is 12 to 15 and the CFG scale is about 2.

PVC Figurerizer ver.2.0はLCM仕様です。サンプラーにはLCMかEuler aを使ってください。Steps数は12~15,CFG scaleは2くらいが基準です。

BTW What kind of figure is a good figure? A figure with big boobs?  It may indeed sell better that way. But that's not the case. A regular figure expresses the charm of the character in a single pose. Models that reproduce this need to have a variety of poses and expressions. Furthermore, it is desirable that the picture as a whole has a sense of drama. In ver.1, there were major limitations in terms of backgrounds, etc. In ver.2, we have expanded this area and made sure that you can create pictures that are more realistic and have a higher degree of freedom. We've included ImageEnhance to help you compose dramatic scenes with the simplest possible prompts. I made the boobs bigger just in case.

よいフィギュアとはどんなフィギュアでしょうか? おっぱいが大きいフィギュア? 確かにそっちのほうがよく売れるのかもしれません。しかし,そういうことではありません。通常のフィギュアは,そのキャラクターの魅力を1つのポーズで表現したものです。それを再現するモデルには,ポーズや表情が多彩さが望まれます。さらに絵全体としてのドラマ性があるものが望ましいでしょう。ver.1では背景などで大きな制限があった。ver.2ではそのあたりを拡充し,よりリアルで自由度の高い絵作りができるように配慮しています。できるだけ簡単なプロンプトでドラマチックなシーンを構成できるようにImageEnhanceを組み込みました。念のためにおっぱいは大きめにしておきました。


If you think the face is not cute, please do not use ADtailer and HighRes.Fix at the same time. Both are great tools for increasing resolution, but they often destroy the picture. This model does not take into account facial details at medium distances, so it is essential to use one or the other. However, there are times when it is better not to use them at the same time. When using HighRes.Fix, set denoising and Hires steps to a low value.


顔が可愛くないと思ったときにはADtailerとHighRes.Fixは同時に使わないでください。両者とも解像度を上げるには優れたツールですが,高い頻度で絵を破壊します。このモデルは中距離での顔の詳細について配慮していませんので,どちらかを使うことは必須となります。ただし,同時には使わないほうがよいときもあります。HighRes.Fixを使う場合は,denoisingとHires stepsは低めに設定してください。


This is a model that generates figure(figurine)-like images.

At first, I made it 2.5D model based on Kawaii Animetic V2 and then combined 6 types of Lora in the optimal ratio.

There are several figurine models, but this model does not paint the character to look like a figure, but rather makes the prompt a figure and vignette.


Kawaii Animetic V2をベースに2.5D化を行い,6種類のLoraを最適な割合で組み合わせました。


In general, increasing the texture of PVC greatly affects the character's face, and even if you look at existing models, you can see that the character is prioritized in the creation of the image. However, there are cases where it is hard to say that anything other than the hair area is made of PVC. For this model, I have adjusted the balance a little closer to PVC, which I think is the best at the moment. The face is affected accordingly, so Adetailer or HiRes.Fix is required. You may also use the Detail version of Lora if you like.


Perhaps because Lora's training data is biased, the outputs are a little overexposed, but there is no problem I think.


* figurerise(figurerize) is a word of Japanese-English. It is something that has been used for a long time. But, Bandai-Namco made "FIGURE-RISE" a registerd trade mark at toy area in Japan. Figurerize or figureriser or figurerizer are not registered yet, and it is not toy area. I dare to name this Figurerizer.