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AniMilf Mix

Updated: Apr 9, 2024
base modelanimesexyfemalecurvymilf
Checkpoint Merge
Feb 14, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5
Usage Tips
Clip Skip: 2

Hi there! Are you like me? Do you like the anime style, but find that some models can make every character look like a teenager? Are you tired of piling on various style/mature LoRAs to get the right look, only to find they're diluting whatever character you were originally trying to make? Do you want to make sexy, adult anime babes quickly and easily? Well then I happily introduce you to my AniMilf Mix!


General usage guide:

~30 steps recommended, and around half this number in hires steps with an upscaler (I'm partial to ultrasharp). I also recommend a pass with adetailer, it especially helps to brighten up the eyes and enhance detail. Finally, I recommend adding milf, mature female somewhere in the prompting to enhance mature features.

Model highlights:

As previously mentioned, I think this model captures a more mature style of anime women. This was done through generations of personal models, merging various checkpoints and milf/style LoRAs together and back on top of each other; I doubt I could create this mix again from scratch. Additionally, it was extremely important to me to have vibrant colors, sharp lines/details, and broad LoRA compatibility. I'm quite pleased with this version, and so I wanted to share it.

Is this only good for generating milfs?

While that was certainly the goal, the model has shown to be capable of more. So please, if you like the style, get creative! Share your feedback, what works and what doesn't, and let me know. Maybe it'll be something I can try to include in v2. It does clearly trend towards busty women and nsfw, so try putting words like nipples in the negative prompts if it's getting a little risque for your tastes.


My last word on this is that I really appreciate all the feedback I get. I do this purely as a hobby and I think it's fun, but I also like providing folks with something they enjoy. A positive review with some of your creations really makes my day every time. Share your work and let 2024 be the year of the milf!