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MeMaXL Flat Anime Style - Pony Lora

Updated: Jun 25, 2024
Jun 25, 2024
Base Model
Steps: 4,500
Epochs: 6
Usage Tips
Clip Skip: 2
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Fish788's Avatar

These loras were trained on images from Megami Magazine from late 2018 to early 2024.

V3 Type B: This version was trained on Hadrian DeliceXL using 52 images with similar eyes and hair. I haven't tested this lora on any other pony based model, but I speculate it won't work very well on anything but Hadrian. I also made a AutismMix version but it didn't come out very well so I'm only posting this version.

V3 Type A: Trained on 50 images selected for their similar eye style and detailed backgrounds. The lora is great at prompt comprehension, amazing backgrounds and decent hands and feet. I trained with a few images from V2 and some others from the 1200 dataset I prepared. More than anything, the style is different from V2 and V1, so use the version you like best. I call it "Type A" because I'm considering training different styles using different images from dataset. Trained on AutismMix.

V3 Hadrian DeliceXL: This version was trained on Hadrian DeliceXL using the same resources as V3.0. I do not guarantee it will work on any other model. I chose to train on Hadrian because of it's vivid colors and detailed backgrounds. This lora sits somewhere in between version 3 Type A and the Ponymagine lora. It isn't perfect, but the benefits over AustimMix/base Pony is very noticeable. Use this version (with Hadrian DeliceXL ONLY) if you want a closer style to the source material while still maintaining pony's nsfw diversity.

V3 Ponymagine: This lora was trained on Ponymagine using the same resources as V3.0. I also tested it on Animagine XL V3.1 and it seems to work (somewhat) but I highly recommend you just use it on Ponymagine since it's the entire reason I made this version. I do not guarantee support for anything else. Please read this if you're wondering why I made this.

V2: This lora was trained on 150+ images that I painstakingly removed the japanese text from. (V1 is plagued with this, V2 and V3 had the text removed from the images) This version does well with characters and backgrounds. Trained on AutismMix.

V1: Trained on 1,200+ images. (All I had.) Trained on Based Pony.

To get the results you see in the images above, these are the settings I used.

Prompt(at the start): score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up,score_6_up,source_anime, <lora:MeMaXL_V3:1> [your prompt]

Negatives: mosaic censoring,bar censor,censored,source_cartoon,source_pony,source_furry,simple background,

Sample: DPM++ 2S a

Steps: 26 (Whatever gives you the best results)

CFG Scale: 7

Extension: [sd-webui-color-enhance] set to 0.5 (this increases the saturation a bit)

Upscaling: Follow this method

I mostly use AutismMix.