You may remember in my Impala LORA I put an Impala on the moon. I didn't stop there I drove the Impala to the edge of space and discovered all sorts of alien species.
This Lora is training with over 300 variaties of unknown alien species with different traits and appearances it can mix all those traits and appearances and more so get creative with your prompts and see what you can generate. And please upload them and share them I am curious about your creativity. And when I say unknown alien species I mean unknown alien species don't expect any Twi 'leks or Asari.
To get you started I suggest starting with the following three options and then add whatever you want.
A futuristic Female/Male Alien
A futuristic Female/Male (This will get you an person with a human face you can still ad features like tentacles or whatever your wish)
A futuristic Monster Alien
Also might want to add CGI Shot to the negatives. I used images generated with other AI generators (Midjourney, Starry AI, Dalle) for the data set which weren't that realistic so I captioned everything as CGI Shot. Putting that in the negatives will get you a long way.
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