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ThusOrdinary: Anime taste model LCM

Updated: Apr 19, 2024
base modelanime
Checkpoint Merge
Apr 18, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5 LCM

ThusOrdinary: Anime taste model LCM

These are LCM models. So, basically, use the LCM sampler. If you don't have it, please use Euler a instead.


ver.3.0 is a model that corrects parts that could not be fixed with TO2 and pursues freedom of movement.

Since it is an LCM model, please use LCM or Euler a for the sampler. The number of steps should be around 15 and the CFG scale should be 2.5. ADtailer etc. are adjusted on the assumption that they will be used.



LCMモデルですのでサンプラーにはLCMかEuler aを使ってください。Step数は15程度,CFG scaleは2.5を基準にしてください。ADtailerなどは使うことを前提に調整しています。

The failure of ThusOrdinary 2.x was that the face was over-engineered and things were forced here and there. If you give me a book, I can find out about side effects such as bikini problems and growing wings. We tried to maintain as much variety as possible in the composition, but there are limits. There are negative effects such as poor prompt followability and fewer variations in poses. For TO3.0, we were planning to completely update the base model, but we ended up with a certain amount of TO2.5C components remaining. The downside is that sometimes feathers come out.


ThusOrdinary 2.xの失敗は,顔を作り込みすぎてあちこちに無理がかかったことでした。ビキニ問題や羽が生えるなどの副作用も本をただせば,そこに行きつきます。構図の多様性などはなるべく確保する方向で調整していましたが,限界はあります。プロンプトの追従性が低下したり,ポーズのバリエーションが少なくなるなどの弊害が出ています。TO3.0ではベースモデルを一新する予定で進めていたのですが,TO2.5C成分がある程度残った状態で落ち着きました。弊害としてたまに羽が出ることがあります。


I merged ImageEnhance for greater effectiveness with fewer prompts. The downside of this is that prompts that don't specify a situation, such as 1girl, no longer produce the normally expected girl in casual clothes. It will have a fantasy flavor. I created and merged LoRA, which uses concept control to create casual clothes, but it also has some drawbacks. Information that you are wearing something sticks to you, so you tend to wear it too much. Last time I went through a lot of trouble and learned that it's easier to put clothes on than to take them off, so I decided to leave it as is this time. Please specify clothing if necessary.




This time, I created ver.3.0 and also created a minimal version by removing additional elements and adjustment elements. The main components are roughly the same. The degree of freedom in composition and poses has increased compared to ve.3.0. Even in situations where ver.3.0 tends to fail, it may be stable. On the other hand, if the composition is too free, it may fail, so it can be said that there are pros and cons. 1girl's clothes are not unusual, but the screen looks a little plain. This is for people who are creating using prompts and LoRA.



The bikini issue in version 2 has not been completely resolved in version 2.1. Although I removed large artifacts, the noise on the skin was a phenomenon that occurred with all Niji models and ClothingAdjaster combinations as far as we tried. Perhaps there was less study of nude material. So the patterns on the bodysuit and underwear were confused with the skin. In TO2, I was able to handle things like swimsuits by using ClothingAdjuster, but when I forced myself to reduce the number of things I was wearing, the symptoms appeared. Therefore, the motivation behind ver.2.5 was to deal with this problem without using such materials or ClothingAdjuster. After trying various things, I came up with different versions using three approaches. Each model looked the same but had its own characteristics, but I decided to release the 2.5C, which is the closest to the 2.0 character.


As usual, Steps is 15 and CFG scale is 3. It is based on ADtailer correction, so please use it as much as possible. Please use LCM or Euler a for the sampler.

例によって,Stepsは15,CFG scaleは3が基準です。ADtailerの補正を前提にしていますので,できるだけ使ってください。サンプラーにはLCMかEuler aを使ってください。

2.0 had a fairly hard pattern, but it has become somewhat softer. I think the pattern is more like an illustration. In addition, by learning additional materials, the overall stability of drawing has improved, and it is now possible to handle NSFW expressions.



Fixed bikini issue.

Some of the battle suit material added at the end remained on the skin during the swimsuit and nude scenes.

I adjusted the mixing amount and distribute as 2.1. However, there will be a difference in the attire in the Sci-Fi scene. There is almost no difference in other scenes, but you cannot expect the same results with the same prompt. And exposure has increased slightly.I also made picture a little brighter.


I will cancel the previously announced version 1.7 and release it as ver.2.0. Since the style has changed a bit, I decided that 2.0 would be fine. In 2.0, we added various elements in the form of LoRA to the base model derived from ver.16.

This is an LCM model, but please use Steps as 15 and CFG scale as 3. I was surprised when I saw the pictures appearing in CFG 7, but please use it as long as it doesn't break the picture. I think there are samplers that can be used for things other than LCM. I cannot guarantee operation. There is quite a lot of information, so please look at the pictures carefully before using Detail LoRA.

Adjustments are made assuming ADtailer. HighRes.Fix may damage the picture if you do not set the step value to a low value.


これはLCMモデルですが,Stepsは15,CFG scaleは3程度を基準としてください。CFG 7で絵が出てるのを見て驚愕したのですが,破綻しない範囲でお使いください。サンプラーはLCM以外でも使えるものがあると思います。動作保証はできませんが。情報量は結構多いですので,Detail系LoRAはちゃんと絵を見て使用してください。


Now, this time we have changed the character's atmosphere a bit forcefully, but the following side effects have been confirmed.

-Sometimes girls have wings

-Since basic age has decreased, character's breasts have become larger after adjusting with LoRA.

Adjustments with negative prompts are effective. Please respond according to the situation.





Does anyone need 17α?

ver. 1.5

With 1.0, there were times when the image was very clear and other times when it was a little blurry. Another problem was that it was quite weak when it came to mechanics. Furthermore, it has the habit of being affected by the ambient light quite strongly, and the entire screen takes on that tone. Ver.1.5 has been improved and strengthened including this area. I haven't changed it enough to make it ver.2.0.


It produces clearer output for many pictures, but it's not entirely better than 1.0. Sometimes 1.0 produces better pictures. I think that the sense of detail as well as the composition and movement have been enhanced, but if you compare them, there may be pros and cons. In some cases, ver.1.0 may be better in terms of clean lines and drawing faces in their natural state.

ADtailer and High-res.Fix are recommended in 1.5 (well, everyone will probably use them even if they are silent).



*There are no plans to release ver.1.1 or 1.6.

ver.1.7α will be released as an improved version 1.7 at a later date.

ver. 1.0

Again, I will be announcing anime illustration models.


The animation-based model merge created as the base model for OjousamaMix was a combination of several trained models based on the ability to produce a variety of pictures. I merged the selections based mainly on whether they cover many genres and whether the movements and compositions are solid even with a large amount of Lora. The painting style can be completely replaced, so we did not focus on that.

However, these models produced pictures that were not bad at all. It would be a shame to ignore it. This model has been further refined and adjusted to create a clearer and cuter look. Personally, I don't find it very interesting because it's too simple, but I think it's a fairly well-organized standard anime model.



This model has built in an LCM, so please have an LCM available for your sampler. If not, use Euler a. Step 10 and CFG 2 are the basic setups, and using ADetailer will not change the character's atmosphere much. It is not necessary for larger faces, so it is best to use it only if necessary for the selected picture.

このモデルにはLCMを組み込んでありますので,サンプラーにLCMを用意してください。ない場合はEuler aを使ってください。ステップ10,CFG 2が基本です。ADetailerを使ってもキャラの雰囲気はあまり変化しません。大きめの顔なら不要ですので,選び出した絵で必要な場合のみ使うのがいいでしょう。

I still feel that it is difficult to draw multiple characters, but after borrowing prompts from other models, I have finally figured out how to draw multiple characters.I thought it was impossible to separate characters in SD1.5, but it seems that it is not impossible, so please be creative.


It is probably a very ordinary animated model, created in a relatively ordinary way (although it is made more efficient using a Lora-based method similar to Twinkle). Since there is no particular theme, I named it ThusOrdinary. Sorry if there are any strange nuances in English.
