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Checkpoint Trained
Jul 28, 2024
Base Model
SDXL 1.0
default creator card background decoration
Cyberpunk Image Contest Participant
zaxious's Avatar

Wild_Child V3.0: I wanted to train this version to be "wilder" again, but with more sharpness and contrast. I hope you enjoy the results. If you are looking for consistency, I would recommend V4.0, but if you want a little chaos, stick with wild child.

V4.0: I used different methods to train this version to have a little more variety and sharpness. With trial and error, I got a nice clean look that I liked.

Wild_Child V2.0: This model is still wild, but maybe a little less so. I just wanted to keep the style of the original and add better prompt adherence.

V3.0: Combination of style and prompt recognition upgrades. Images come out very clean with a very unique style. Jack of all trades type of checkpoint. This is a continuation of V2.0, Wild_Child is still it's own thing.

Wild_Child: This model can be "wild" with how it responds to some prompts. The style is very unique and looks completely new. I like this one for when I want a certain look I can't get with any other model. Mild lighting and shadows. This model is more for playing around with and being surprised by results, such as abstract works.

Lightning models best results settings:

Sampler: dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu

Scheduler: sgm_uniform

CFG: 1.0-1.8

Steps: 10

V.4 and Wildchild settings I use comfyUI :

  • Steps: I use 28

  • cfg: I use 4.5

  • dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu

  • sgm_uniform or karras

  • Vae is baked in