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[PVC Style Model]Movable figure model XL

Updated: Dec 13, 2024
base modelanimesexyfigurepvcwoman
Checkpoint Trained
Dec 1, 2024
Base Model
MIAOKA's Avatar

感谢 Civitai 运营团队的理解与支持。对于涉及侵权的模型,Civitai 已与相关方联系并沟通,下架处理。我们也感谢大家的理解与支持。现在,模型已经恢复下载。鉴于之前的经历,希望大家能够遵守社区规定,合理使用此模型。再次感谢大家的理解。

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Civitai operations team for their understanding and support. The infringing model has been addressed, and Civitai has communicated with the relevant parties to have it taken down. We also thank everyone for their understanding and support. The model is now available for download again. Given the previous incident, we hope everyone can adhere to the community guidelines and use this model responsibly. Thank you again for your understanding.

Movable Figure Model XL NOOB XL

Movable Figure Model XL NOOB XL1.2 是基于 Movable Figure Model XL NOOB XL1.1 版本的数据集进行训练的。综合效果比上一个版本更好 1.1 版本在群内 小范围测试过由于没有达到预期 直接跳过发布 直接更新1.2版本


模型反馈AI交流内部测试QQ群:377209248 进群享受抢先体验



新版本训练 优化了 画师串对PVC风格的影响 优化了肢体稳定 和语义理解 优化了在不同画师串下依然能保持PVC风格状态


Suggest drawing parameters


Euler a: 30 steps

cfg scale: 6

Resolution of portrait characters: 768x1280 ,1024x1024

clip skip: 2

Positive Prompt

masterpiece,best quality,very aesthetic,highres,absurdres,sensitive

Negative prompt

lowres,(bad),bad feet,text,error,fewer,extra,missing,worst quality,jpeg artifacts,low quality,watermark,unfinished,displeasing,oldest,early,chromatic aberration,signature,artistic error,username,scan,[abstract],english text,shiny_skin,


Movable figure model Illustrious XL 版本1.0版。这款 Illustrious XL 版本是基于 Movable figure model Pony 版本的蒸馏数据集进行训练的,使用了6万实拍PVC素材和2万的蒸馏数据集进行训练。训练首先使用实拍素材进行了60个训练周期(epochs),然后与蒸馏数据集的训练版本进行了合并,合并比例如下:

PVC llustrious XL B-000008: Successfully set the ratio [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]
MK_PVC_llustrious_XL: Successfully set the ratio [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]

Movable figure model Illustrious XL 继承了 Illustrious XL0.1 许可证

Illustrious XL0.1 采用 Fair AI 公共许可证 1.0-SD 许可证,与 Stable Diffusion 模型的许可证兼容。

  • 修改共享:如修改 Illustrious XL0.1,需共享更改及原始许可证。

  • 源代码访问:如通过网络访问修改后的版本,请提供获取源代码的方法(如下载链接),适用于派生模型。

  • 分发条款:任何发行版需遵循此许可证或类似规则的许可证。

  • 合规:不合规需在 30 天内解决,以避免许可证终止,强调透明度和开源价值观。

选择此许可证旨在保持 Illustrious XL0.1 的开放性和可修改性,与开源社区精神一致。它保护贡献者和用户,鼓励协作和合乎道德的开源社区,确保模型不仅受益于公共输入,还尊重开源开发自由。本模型训练参数已上传。

型的各个版本各有优势 效果质感有区别 新版版本也不代表最好 大家根据自己的喜欢挑选模型版本使用 XL版本和llustrious XL和版本不一致请查看 各个版本的简介 另外Movable figure model Pony 已经上线 需要Pony版本的点击链接




  1. 本模型仅用于AI生成技术学术交流我手办模型的AI技术仅用于生成PVC手办的设计图稿,并不涉及实物生产和销售。

  2. 请勿相信任何未经授权的销售:任何声称销售由本模型AI生成技术制作的PVC手办的行为均未获得授权,请广大用户提高警惕,谨防受骗。

  3. 风险提示:PVC手办的制作涉及多个环节,包括3D建模、材质选择、模具制作、注塑成型、上色等,每个环节都可能存在质量问题。请用户在购买PVC手办时务必选择正规渠道,仔细核对产品信息,并保留相关凭证。

  4. 维权建议:如您发现有商家利用本模型的AI技术进行欺诈行为,请及时向相关部门举报,并保留证据,以便追究其法律责任。其可通过AI-Generated Content Detection | Hive ( 这个网站鉴定图片是否为ai 生成



  • 选择正规渠道:尽量选择知名厂商或有良好口碑的商家进行购买。

  • 查看产品信息:仔细核对产品材质、尺寸、制作工艺等信息,并查看高清图片。

  • 索要发票:要求商家提供正规发票,以便日后维权。

  • 保留聊天记录:与商家沟通时,建议保留聊天记录,以备不时之需。

  • 使用Ai技术判断:遇到没有见过可疑的手办 最好通过AI-Generated Content Detection | Hive (这个网站上传图片进行鉴定





Model Usage Statement

1. You are not allowed to host this model and its derivative versions (such as fusion model versions) on websites/applications that plan to earn income or donate. If you need to use this model and its derivative versions for commercial purposes (such as generative services, selling images, using images for public publication on short video platforms, etc.), please contact me through the website

2. You are not allowed to directly sell images generated by this model, unless you have made sufficient manual modifications to the image so that it can be fully recognized as your personal work in a legal sense. If you violate this provision, all legal consequences resulting from it shall be borne by you personally, and I am not responsible.

3. You cannot use this model to intentionally create or share illegal or harmful content for dissemination and output. Please abide by public order and morality, and use this model for positive purposes.

This model does not contain any real-life material, image sources, or training codes from the internet. The model is only used for scientific research interest exchange

模型制作不易 未经允许禁止 提取融合

Modeling is not easy. Extraction and fusion without permission is prohibited.