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Under The Rain

Updated: Mar 13, 2024
Mar 13, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words

Hi again and welcome to Under The Rain LORA.

"Under The Rain" is part of my personal weather/ambient series where I aim to create an specific weather/ambient without using any specific word related to the weather or ambient condition. There is also some cool enhancements like in this case for example, inner Depth of Field (DOF).

"Under The Rain" aims to create image/scene generations in a rainy weathery, wet surfaces, waterdrops, etc. These scenes will be influenced also by the Depth of Field also trained on purpose there to get a bit more realistic and less "plastic".

Main token is t1hal and class is style so you can use t1hal style or just t1hal. I recommend the first option.

This LORA doesn't have powered subtokens but there is a tendency when you use word "streets" to get more fidelity on some situations so mind this.

You can use negative embeddings and words but this LORA has been proved to work without them in a normal way. Choise will be yours.

How to use this LORA?

You can refer to the sample images I upload in the post but:

- For characters * t1hal style Portrait/side portrait of concept... / a t1hal style concept...

- For landscape and objects a [concept/object/whateveryouwnt] in the style of t1hal

Which are the best values?

- Extremely recommended 1 but you can use values from 0.8 onwards. You can also go higher for deeper impact but value 1 by default should work on most cases.
- CFG Scale in this case is a bit different than usual. CFG Scale recommended is 2-2.5/3. You can also use 5 or 6 and onwards but it's not recommended. CFG Scale at 6-7 lose a big chunk of the inner aesthetics.
- Clip Skip: At 1 the composition and dynamics are more variable and at 2 is more "standard". Feel free to try.

Which models are good for this LORA?

- Tested on: Colorful, Rev Animated, Dreamshaper, Absolute Reality, etc.

This LORA is GOOD for:

- Character illustrations with weathery impact.
- Depth of Fields compositions.
- Habitual and common situations with a touch of realism and photo.
- Photograph aesthetic creations.
- Wet hairs and skins.
- Wet surfaces and armors/suits, etc.
- Dropplets
- Rainy Weather on compositions.
- Blue-darkeish colors aesthetics with DOF impact.
- Standoffs


The XL version was released for all our Patreon supporters as a way to thank them for the continuity support. If you want it, join us and this way you will also be helping me making more quality stuff for CivitAI.

I wrote an article here and it's like my finetunning diary for the ones interested with releases upcoming, trainings done, exclusive patreon models previews, personal thoughts, etc. So if you want to see what I'm planning or what I'm into, feel free to take a look.

As always thanks to everyone reviewing, giving feedback , commenting and supportin us in Patreon. Keep supporting us so we can keep creating and delivering quality content. Please support the Patreon since it's making this things to be possible around here.
