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OpenPose, SFW pose package (total 3367 poses)

Updated: Jun 11, 2024
Jun 8, 2024
Base Model

F1, update pose as below, 2024/06/08,

balancing 70 (=61+9)

ballet 125 (=123+2)

counting down 8 (=0+8)

dancing 235(=138+97)

from behind 60 (=58+2)

hands on hips 53 (=46+7)

jumping 89 (=87+2)

kneeling 42 (=38+4)

OK gesture 9 (=0+9)

other 19 (=18+1)

rock paper scissors 8 (=0+8)

running 54 (=23+31)

sitting 117 (=110+7)

standing 73 (=33+40)

think mark meme 12 (0+12)

walking 49 (=44+5)

waving 94 (=92+2)

Comyui, Chilloutmix t2i workflow*1

After 6 months, SFW pose package is finally done now, enjoy!

Modify Image Composition Through OpenPose .json File,2024/03/18.

-->This article is showing the way to modify image composition through .json file.

This is SFW pose package collection.

  1. Most poses have openpose,depth,lineart and .json file

  2. Prompt example included (txt file)

  3. Only 3 image size included, 512*512, 512*768, 768*512

  4. No example image included

  5. Openpose (weight 1) + Depth or Lineart (weight 0.3~0.5) is recommended

  6. From below/from above/side view/from behind may be necessary for some poses

  7. To specify subject outfit and background is required when depth/lineart is applied

  8. In worst case, you may need openpose 1 + depth 0.3 + lineart 0.3 to reproduce the pose

Pose List:

walking, 44 poses, 3/19

standing, 33 poses, 3/19

balancing, 61 poses, 3/19

fist bumping, 26 poses, 3/19

jumping, 87 poses, 3/19

leaning forward, 67 poses, 3/19

arm crossed, 5 poses, 3/19

hands in pocket, 32 poses, 3/19

adjusting hair, 21 poses, 3/21

climbing, 33 poses, 3/21

dancing, 140 poses, 3/21

clapping hands, 33 poses, 3/21

floating, 59 poses, 3/21

flying, 48 poses, 3/21

hands on chin, 52 poses, 3/21

hands on hips, 48 poses, 3/21

high five, 48 poses, 3/21

hurdle race, 51 poses, 3/21

waving hands, 93 poses, 3/21

ballet, 124 poses, 3/21

skiing, 43 poses, 3/23

skating, 319 poses, 3/24

surfing, 102 poses, 3/24

squatting, 81 poses, 3/29

kneeling, 40 poses, 3/30

sitting, 111 poses, 3/31

bird on her arm, 5 poses, 4/4

riding, 4 poses, 4/4

rest, 16 poses, 4/4

trapeze, 26 poses, 4/4

thumbs up, 20 poses, 4/4

stairs, 18 poses, 4/4

running, 23 poses, 4/4

saulting, 23 poses, 4/4

from side and behind, 59 poses, 4/4

hands on the table, 9 poses, 4/7

all fours, 32 poses, 4/7

basketball, 75 poses, 4/7

soccer, 36 poses, 4/7

pointing at viewer, 39 poses, 4/7

hands on waist, 13 poses, 4/7

leaning against something, 41 poses, 4/7

diving from the sky, 233 poses, 4/14

gym, 16 poses, 4/21

gymnastics, 22 poses, 4/21

yoga, 55 poses, 4/21

selfie, 21 poses, 4/21

push up, 15 poses, 4/21

martial arts, 91 poses, 4/21

parkour, 225 poses, 4/21

sliding, 18 poses, 4/25

punching viewer, 65 poses, 4/25

boxing, 72 poses, 4/25

victory, no prompt example, 13 poses, 4/25

YA pose, no prompt example, 7 poses, 4/25

others, no prompt example, 18 poses, 4/25

lying (excluded, move to NSFW pose package)