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Updated: Jun 11, 2024
Checkpoint Merge
Jun 11, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5
Usage Tips
Clip Skip: 1
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AI_nstein's Avatar

A heavily tuned model merge I've been slowly adding bits of models that catch my eye, based originally on YiffyMix V3.6 merged with a few other models available on CivitAI and for which I take no credit for their creation. Uses a YAML file you will need to download and place in the models folder next to the model.

This model is, as I said, heavily tuned toward furry/scaly art, but differs in a number of ways from most of the models and merges I've used on the site here; images may be very washed out at low CFG scales, and it functions best at a CFG scale set higher than 20 (24 or higher is what I usually use for the best results), and it benefits immensely from using the Restart sampling method at about 50 steps. Hi-res fix and ADetailer highly recommended. Handles SFW and NSFW, though it occasionally needs to have appropriate tagging in either positive or negative prompt to ensure it does what you want. Not the most detailed at environments, but functions well with plain or colored backgrounds for character art.

This merge also benefits a great deal from tagging specific artsyles, and especially from mixing them together to make distinctive looks (this will be familiar to users of this family of models.) Without artistic or style direction, results will generally be sub-par in my experience, and your mileage may vary. Excels at making hybrid characters with proper use of weighting to generate unique original characters in portrait aspect ratios, while landscape images can yield multiple unique characters with the same method (see sample images for an example of this technique.)

All that said, I've been personally much happier with the results I get from these than any of the base models, and enough folks have been interested in using my version that I've decided to make it freely available.

Tips: Restart Sampling Method, 45-50 steps

Hi-res Fix (4x_fatal_anime_500000_G or R-ESRGAN 4x Anime6B work well) with 0.6 Denoising Strength

CLIP Skip 1

ADetailer enabled (face_yolo8n works well, tunes face details and eyes in particular, enable Merge mode in Mask Preprocessing for best results)

CFG Scale greater than 20 (24+ recommended)

Works with most LORAs and embeddings I've tested, just be judicious with the weights for best results

YMMV with other styles or subjects; heavily content-tuned merge