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Necron: Warhammer 40K (SDXL) Reviews

Great work on this LoRA! The effect and style affect armor/clothing/headgear primarily, but also usually create simpler backgrounds with a lot of necron-green contrast, while keeping faces pretty much intact.
The monochromatic style is easily broken free from when different colors are in the prompt, which is great flexibility-wise.
I found it had a slightly stiff preference for staves and scepter objects to have their "head"(large part) in the top left corner. That compositional tendency came up noticeably often.
Another noteworthy pattern was the generation of dutch angles —lower on the left side higher on the right—which is great for dramatic images and dynamic poses, but seemed to also appear in the same composition and angle usually. So those two areas could probably use to get more flexible.
Thank you very much for creating this! The emperor protects!