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DucHaiten-Pony-XL (no-score)

Updated: Sep 14, 2024
base modelanime3d2d2.5d
Checkpoint Trained
May 2, 2024
Base Model
SDXL Training Contest Participant
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I created my discord server. I'm still quite new to discord server management, free to give opinions.

Added the pony-no_score version, which is basically the pony model but can maintain 70-90% image quality without tag_score, but of course if it still has tag_score it would be better

special note: Pony v6 base seems to be having errors with certain keywords or characters, individually or in combination, which can cause all sorts of serious errors when generating images. This is an error originating from pony base. I hope pony base v7 can improve this problem, otherwise it will be very difficult to develop and expand further, even though I have tried a lot to improve it.

Because the image generator of civitai and automatic1111 are different, on civitai you need to set the number of steps about 10-15 steps higher than when using automatic1111.

Update on September 8, 2024:

Finally caught up with pony base v6 LOL. This is probably the last update, aside from bug fixes. I feel like I've reached the limit with pony v6, and adding anything more might cause issues elsewhere.

Version 6.0 includes some anime data, better adjustments for NSFW, further tweaks to colors and lighting effects, and additional improvements in natural language.

And the most important thing is earning money. Don’t be fooled by how popular this model seems. In reality, I work 15-16 hours a day, without taking a break, just to earn enough to reinvest in research and model training, with barely enough left to live on. So now I want to see how much I can make with this early access feature on my most popular model.

Update on August 8, 2024:


Damn I forgot to turn on early access

Version v5.2 works quite well both with and without scores

Update on August 4, 2024:
Version 5.1, a complete overhaul of the text encoder and adjustments to the U-net. Efforts have been made to minimize minor bugs from versions 5 and 4. Once again, the default importance level of the 3D style has been downgraded. I do not want 3D to be added to images if it is not explicitly mentioned in the prompt. Of course, if reducing the 3D style too much makes many people feel dissatisfied, I will adjust it again. So please let me know your thoughts on this adjusted version.

The parameter settings I have tested:

- Sampling method: Euler a

- Schedule type: SGM Uniform

- Sampling steps: 30-36

- CFG Scale: 8-9

Update on July 23, 2024:

Welcome to pony no score v5. I tried to save it until pony base v6.9 was released, but the waiting period was too long, so I couldn't wait any longer and got to work immediately. I need it to have more soul, more artistic depth, and to convey emotions in each created image. I am fed up with the dryness of AI-generated art, which only looks beautiful but feels empty, unlike something truly nurtured from the creator's soul. I don't know if you understand what I mean, but that is what I am trying to achieve. Perhaps the most noticeable change for you is that the 3D style will be minimized, and the 2D drawing style will undergo slight modifications, with colors feeling more cinematic, and the lighting and shadows will be better and more realistic.

Some other updates: improved text encoder, more shooting angles, more art and 2D data to replace Nijijourney data

Recommended settings:

Sampling method: DPM++ SDE

Schedule type: SGM Uniform (this one is a must)

Sampling steps: 30-36

CFG Scale: 9

update May 27, 2024:

This will be the final version until pony base v7 comes out. In addition, the alpha 1 version of the pony-real model has been released, everyone can check it out, but don't expect much from the alpha.

Thank you very much and apologies to Deathless, who helped me find and process around 8,000-10,000 image data for the pony-no-score version 4.0, whom I forgot to mention. So much happened in a short time that it gave me a headache. Fortunately, he reminded me, at least he didn't curse me out harshly LOL.

(By the way, currently I'm doing everything alone again, if anyone is interested and willing to help prepare data for training my model, please feel free to contact me.)

update May 22, 2024:

Final beta version of v4, the next update will be its official version. When the official version of pony no score v4 is released, it will also be the day pony-realistic alpha will be uploaded

updated May 14, 2024:

Version 3.5 for Pony-no_score.

- Edit the text encoder

- Update more 3D image data

- added more realistic skin models for 3d

- reduce unnecessary details that are not in the prompt (creativity is a bit reduced but accuracy will be higher)

- Enhance solid contours

This is a separate version from v4 in training, so I need the most objective reviews.

Update May 7, 2024:

I must say that I am really surprised and happy to see everyone's warm reception for the DucHaiten-Pony-XL model (no-score). Each new version gets more attention than the previous version, it seems I'm still on the right track.

To express my sincere thanks to everyone, I will post the v4 beta version first, everyone can try it out and give advice and suggestions for it. Note that because it is only a beta version, there will be many changes in the future.

Update May 3, 2024:

After hearing comments about v2 seeming to lose the diversity and balance of styles compared to v1, this time I tried to adjust that problem. In addition, a lot of new data has been added in v3. They are arranged to intersperse with Pony's previous data, with the purpose of supplementing and creating connections with each other. I do so with the desire to create a more complete ecosystem for ponies. But because I'm the only one doing it all on my own with such a small budget, I can only try to limit my abilities as much as possible. PS. Colors are more vivid and brighter.

updated April 28, 2024:

The upgraded version 2.0 will have many major changes, first is adding more handsome men data, next is improving weak natural language capabilities, and finally adding more artistic feeling to the model. There are also some smaller adjustments like details and lighting

A model created from the original pony model and combined with my various models. I tried to keep almost all of pony's text encoder and only change the image data, so I recommend you learn more about pony if you don't know how to use "tag score" properly. When using this model, you will feel that the image is less random and don't has too many unnecessary details like the pony, and will feel smoother and cleaner, Eliminates the possibility that some prompts will produce harsh images or burnt colors, the face is made clearer, the hands, feet, and pose are adjusted for fewer errors. But if you gain one, you lose the other. It can only be said that each person has its own style, depending on your preferences.

If you want to use my models to create unlimited images at a small cost without having to install anything, will be a good choice, i have some models that are exclusively available on there.