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XD Jackknife: A TI Toolkit for XenoDRAMA

Apr 4, 2024
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
default creator card background decoration
iamxenos's Avatar

This is a set of embeddings designed on and for the XenoDRAMA checkpoint. It includes a general negative embedding as well as a really cool positive embedding that helps populate your scene with on-theme details and extras. Others may be added over time.

Yes... these should work fine on other checkpoints as well, though testing has been limited, so far. Let me know how they work for you!


This is your basic avoid the bad stuff type embedding. There are quite a few tokens in there but it's based off of some of my old embeddings. It's a merge of several embeddings and hand fixers and so on. NOTE: I recommend removing this before trying new concepts you haven't worked with before. It tends to allow most things I've tried to make without problem - but you never know if it might be blocking something YOU want to do. Just download and put NoDrama-neg into your negative prompt.


This is a fun one designed to not really add "detail" as much as it is designed to add "details" like appropriate backgrounds, some relevant clutter, and so on. You could easily recreate the effects of this with tokens like "thematic background" and tokens that tell the AI to bring in more things related to the theme described in the prompt. Use this to take a simple prompt and flesh it out into a more complicated and dramatic scene. Simply trigger with XD-Scene in your prompt and watch it happen. It WILL play to the checkpoint's biases a bit - so this is great for testing simple prompts and seeing what the AI might bring in to flesh out the scene - similar prompts are going to eventually start to look similar because it's not "random" so much as looking for "related" things.

This might also be useful for helping to determine a checkpoint's bias by basically amping up prompts like "XD-Scene, 1girl" and seeing the types of things it tends to bring into the shot. So instead of just looking at your default "1girl" - you're looking at closely related backgrounds and clothing and other elements.

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The Only Dumb Question is the Unasked Question. This is an important rule that I live by. You might feel shy about asking for help with something that is probably obvious to most people who have been doing this for a while, but here's a secret... we ALL were at that "total newb" stage at one point - and heck, when it comes to prompting especially, I still consider myself a "somewhat skilled novice". If you want some help on something - it's only dumb if you don't ask. If you do ask - on site, on discord or wherever - you'll never be looked down upon by me (or any of the people on the discord, lest they be shut down like an illegal gambling operation.