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Checkpoint Trained
Apr 30, 2024
Base Model
MIAOKA's Avatar

此模型是厚涂渲染风格的 动漫模型 新版V15版本是V10的加练迭代版本画风略有不同大家根据喜欢酌情选择

  • This model is an anime model with a thick coating rendering style. The new version V15 is an enhanced and iterated version of V10, and the art style is slightly different. Everyone can choose according to their preferences

V15版本加练的素材采用GLM4V+WD14V3进行打标 训练而成 出图的时候建议使用 blip+clip tag的出图方式效果最佳

  • When using GLM4V+WD14V3 for marking training to create images in V15 version, it is recommended to use the blip+clip tag drawing method for the best results


  • Users who are using PONY for the first time using this model, please disable the use of external VAE


推荐出图画布大小(Recommended canvas size for drawing)

1024 x 1024	1:1 

1152 x 896	9:7

896 x 1152	7:9

1216 x 832	19:13

832 x 1216	13:19

1344 x 768	7:4 

768 x 1344	4:7 

1536 x 640	12:5 

640 x 1536	5:12

推荐出图参数(Recommended drawing parameters)


Euler a: 30步

高清修复(hires.fix): 4x-ultrasharp  , 

高分迭代步数 10 重绘幅度 0.3

提示词引导系数 (cfg scale): 3.5-7.0  

clip skip: 2

Euler a: 30 steps

hires.fix:  4x-ultrasharp 

High score iteration steps 10

Redraw amplitude 0.3

cfg scale: 7.0  

Resolution of portrait characters: 768x1280 ,1024x1024

clip skip: 2

Local map generation can be enabled:ADetailer



Model Usage Statement

1. You are not allowed to host this model and its derivative versions (such as fusion model versions) on websites/applications that plan to earn income or donate. If you need to use this model and its derivative versions for commercial purposes (such as generative services, selling images, using images for public publication on short video platforms, etc.), please contact me through the website

2. You are not allowed to directly sell images generated by this model, unless you have made sufficient manual modifications to the image so that it can be fully recognized as your personal work in a legal sense. If you violate this provision, all legal consequences resulting from it shall be borne by you personally, and I am not responsible.

3. You cannot use this model to intentionally create or share illegal or harmful content for dissemination and output. Please abide by public order and morality, and use this model for positive purposes.

This model does not contain any real-life material, image sources, or training codes from the internet. The model is only used for scientific research interest exchange