Beyond the trigger words, the model was trained on 100 animal names that can be used to trigger specific imagery
african elephant, alligator, asian elephant, ass, baboon, bananas, bat, bear, bearded saki, beetle, bloodhound, buffalo, bull, bulldog, camel, chacma, chameleon, coral polyp, corn, cow, crab, deer, demoiselle fly, dolphin, female butterfly, fly, flying fish, fox, frog, gelada, giraffe, goat, gorilla, grapes, grasshopper, greyhound, hare, hedgehog, hippopotamus, hog, hyena, iguana, kangaroo, leech, leopard, lion, lobster, locust, magnolia, male butterfly, marikina, medusa polyp, mermaid, mole, morning glories, morning glory, moth, mouse, opelot, oppossum, orangutan, passionflower, periwinkle, periwinkle with large club, pineapple, polar bear, pussycat, rabbit, raccoon, race horse, radish, ram, rat, rattlesnake, rhinoceros, salamander, scorpion, sea dragon, sea nettle, shark, sheep, sheephead fish, shrimp, silkworm, skye terrier, snail, spider, spinose partenope, sponge, squirrel, tadpole, tiger, tobacco grub, tomcat, triton seal, turtle, walrus, whale, wild boar, zebra