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Checkpoint Trained
Jun 23, 2024
Base Model
Stable Cascade
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c0ur4ge's Avatar
This Stability AI Model is licensed under the Stability AI Non-Commercial Research Community License, Copyright (c) Stability AI Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

The soft Cascade has now begun...


Update 7/4 - Happy 4th! B-stage update, new release soon! Enjoy the clarity! :)

RES-A - The 'A' is for analog. It's a richer, softer, more photo-realistic take on Stable Cascade by DR34MSC4PE with all the trappings we've come to expect as well as some cool bonuses:

  • Generate stunning, enormous images quickly or "Analog" poloroids in a snap. The model's compression dial allows for whichever poison you prefer!

  • NSFW tuned and capable of realism and artistic/anime

  • Full BF16 C/B stages with functional workflows allow for quick, easy setup in Comfy UI. No managing unets/CLIP!

    • Users who prefer Diffusers version of the models can claim them in the coming weeks!

  • Comfy nodes (like those found in some of the example images) that affect CLIP for SDXL work wonderously on Cascade as well. LORA support demonstrated and disabled therein.

  • Support for proper use in Automatic/SDNEXT - Stay Tuned!


  • Mid range detail, eyes can be inconsistent/different-colors without adjusting resolution/compression/steps accordingly

  • Can gravitate toward animated output at low step/compression

  • Nude male anatomy (WIP)

  • Blurryness in some NSFW concepts at low step counts (WIP)



c0ur4ge (trainer/qa/inference code) /

eraser851 (captions/tooling code/data/qa) /


Usage Guide - For all R35ON4NCE Variants:

Use with the default Cascade Workflow or the advanced found in the demo images.

Examples (pastebin):




CFG: 3-8

Latent Compression: 22-42

Steps: >20-80

Note: higher steps can reduce blur in mid-range details in conjunction with compression settings. The interplay between these settings is the difference between mush and miracles.

CFG works differently in Cascade. While it can improve prompt coherence it can impact (or improve) image quality in unexpected ways. Lower CFG can often yield more detailed images, for example.




CFG: 1.0-1.5

B-Stage Steps: >12-20

Note: The B-stage in Cascade can somewhat be thought of as part of the VAE. As a result, this checkpoint is effectively the same as the Comfy B-Stage checkpoint. If you have that downloaded you do not need to download our Universal B-stage.

This B-stage is somewhat a "stopgap" and is quick finetune of B-lite by ClownsharkBatwing (see description on checkpoint tab). It's twice as crisp as even the full size BF16 in early evaluations. This should also drastically reduce VRAM cost.




We make use of the fine work of madebyollin and include his fine-tune of the stock Stable Cascade VQGAN. It produces crisper results and is included in our C-stage. It can be downloaded separately for use in the advanced workflows above or from Huggingface here.
