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Updated: Sep 4, 2024
base modelanimesexywomangirlsxl
Checkpoint Trained
Jul 18, 2024
Base Model
Trigger Words


Hey guys! Really hope you can upload the pics you make here! Getting lots of feedback is super important for making the model better!!


ElyPonyV15 Guide:

1. I created approximately 300 high-quality images using AnythingXL, based on my personal preferences. I then utilized Claude 3.5 Sonnet to tag these images using natural language. Subsequently, I trained a LoRA model on a combination of T-ponynai3 and PonyV6. Finally, I merged this LoRA into T-ponynai3, resulting in ElyPonyV15. This version differs slightly from ElyPonyV10, featuring cooler colors, softer brush strokes, and slightly paler shades.

1.我根据我自己的风格偏好,使用AnythingXL生成了接近300张的高质量图片作为训练集,并用Claude3.5 sonnet以自然语言对训练集中的图片进行了标注,之后在T-ponynai3和PonyV6的融合模型上训练了LORA,然后将LORA融合进了T-ponynai3进行微调,得到了ElyPonyV15。ElyPonyV15的风格和ElyPonyV10略有不同,相比ElyPonyV10,ElyPonyV15更偏向冷色调,笔触更柔和,颜色也变得稍微寡淡了些。

2. I used Claude3.5 sonnet to tag the training pics in natural language. This helps it work better with natural-language prompts. Here is the example:

2.我使用Claude3.5 sonnet对训练集中的图片用自然语言进行了标注,以提高其在自然语言prompts下的性能,示例如下:

You may get better results with this kind of prompts


3. For the special prompts-"score_x_up" in the Pony series, there are two sets of templates you could choose. The first one is what Pony's creator recommends-"score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up". This set will give you sharper lines, but the colors might look a bit washed out. The second set is what most people usually go for: "score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up". With this one, you'll get nicer colors, but the lines won't be as crisp. Just pick whichever you like best. (Personally, I lean towards the first set of templates.)

3.针对pony系列的专有prompts-"score_x_up",我建议使用如下两套模板。第一套就是Pony的作者所推荐的"score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up",这套prompts模板可以带来更锐利的线条,但也会让色彩偏淡。第二套就是大部分人常用的"score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up",这套prompts模板能带来更好的色彩,但是也会让线条变得不那么锐利。选择你们喜欢的就好。(我个人更倾向于第一套模板)

4.Same as ElyPonyV10, ElyPonyV15 needs prompt "PEX_style" to keep the art style steady.

5.Adding "rating_explicit" can really boost the chances of getting good hands and good anatomy, and it works way better than any embeddings. But it'll make the pics more, uh...spicy, even if you don't use any NSFW prompts.



模型介绍:ElyPonyV10可以算是一个小尝试,目的是让Pony稳定产出线条清晰、细节丰富、色彩鲜艳且画面干净整洁的图像,为此使用Anything XL获得了一些图片对ponyV6进行了finetune,但结果不是很理想,原因可能是训练集太少,因此我换了一种思路,我首先将T-ponynai3和ponyV6进行了融合得到了底模,目的是使用微调模型来稳定ponyV6的画风,让之后LORA融合进底模的成功率更高,之后选取了数张高质量的图片在T-ponynai3中使用差异法进行训练,部分训练集如下

Model Introduction: ElyPonyV10 can be considered a small experiment. The goal is to enable Pony to consistently produce images with clear lines, rich details, and vibrant, clean colors. For this purpose, I got some images with AnthingXL and performed finetune on ponyV6, but the results were not very good, possibly due to a lack of sufficient training iamges. Therefore, I adopted a different approach. First, I merged T-ponynai3 and ponyV6 to create a base model with the aim of using a finetune model to stabilize the art style of ponyV6. Subsequently, I selected some high-quality images and trained the LORA in T-ponynai3 with the training method-"コピー機LoRA". Some of the training images are as follows


Finally, I merged the LORA into the previously mentioned merged model of T-ponynai3 and ponyV6, resulting in ElyPonyV10. My next goal is to acquire sufficient training images to directly finetune ponyV6, aiming to get a model that is closer in quality to the training images.


1.DPM++ 3M SDE貌似有更好的锐度和色彩表现,但其他采样器也不错,选择你喜欢的就好


3.如果想复刻示例图的画风,prompt可以直接照抄我的,最重要的是PonyV6的起手词不要缺,可以把score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up放到正面提示中,把score_6,score_5,score_4放到负面提示中。

4.使用不同的prompt和negtive prompt会使画风产生改变,但基本风格应该不会变化太大,我没有实验太多。



((PEX_style)),score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, best quality, high quality, masterpiece, Expressiveh, source_anime, masterpiece, japanese anime style, fantasy, (人物提示词), (背景提示词);


score_6, score_5, score_4, 3d, watermark, signature, facial hair, beard, extra penis, extra head, missing eye, text, watermark, low-quality, signature, moir pattern, downsampling, aliasing, distorted, blurry, glossy, blur, jpeg artifacts, bara, compression artifacts, poorly drawn, low-resolution, bad, distortion, twisted, exaggerated pose, grainy, symmetrical, duplicate, error, pattern, beginner, pixelated, glitch, overexposed, bad-contrast, low quality, worst quality, black and white, black and white pencil sketch, pencil sketch, facial hair, hairy body, (fat, bulky), grab by himself

ElyPonyV10 Usage Instructions: can get sharper images and more vibrant colors with DPM++ 3M SDE, but other samplers are good as well, just choose what you like

2.Since this model is constructed using “LORA + base model”, it is best to add the keyword “PEX_style” to stabilize the art style.

3.If you want to replicate the style of the example images, you can directly copy my prompts. It is important to include PonyV6's initial keywords, put score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up in Prompt and score_6, score_5, score_4 in Negative Prompt.

4.Using different prompts and negative prompts may get different art styles, but the basic style won't vary too much. I haven't experimented extensively with this.

Here is the prompts and negative prompts I commonly use with ElyPonyV10:


((PEX_style)),score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, best quality, high quality, masterpiece, Expressiveh, source_anime, masterpiece, japanese anime style, fantasy, (character prompts), (background prompts);

Negative Prompts:

score_6, score_5, score_4, 3d, watermark, signature, facial hair, beard, extra penis, extra head, missing eye, text, watermark, low-quality, signature, moir pattern, downsampling, aliasing, distorted, blurry, glossy, blur, jpeg artifacts, bara, compression artifacts, poorly drawn, low-resolution, bad, distortion, twisted, exaggerated pose, grainy, symmetrical, duplicate, error, pattern, beginner, pixelated, glitch, overexposed, bad-contrast, low quality, worst quality, black and white, black and white pencil sketch, pencil sketch, facial hair, hairy body, (fat, bulky), grab by himself


By the way, this plugin can prevent the "image corruption" of SDXL/PDXL series: