Verified: 8 months ago
Type | |
Stats | 365 144 |
Reviews | (35) |
Published | Jul 13, 2024 |
Base Model | |
Trigger Words | lovehotel, chair, scenery, indoors, bed, tile floor, couch, tiles, lamp, door, table, television, pillow, ceiling light |
Hash | AutoV2 423DDC9DB1 |


How are all you weird LoRA lovers in the whole world?全世界の変なLoRA愛好家の皆さん、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?
This is a LoRA that could possibly illustrate a love hotel-like room scene. これはラブホテルっぽい部屋の風景のイラストをもしかすると描くことができるかもしれないLoRAです。
lovehotel, chair, scenery, indoors, bed, tile floor, couch, tiles, lamp, door, table, television, pillow, ceiling light
Negative Prompt:
window, curtains
※ Since most love hotels in Japan have no visible windows (i.e., boarded windows), we recommend adding “window, curtains, etc.” to the Negative prompt.日本のラブホテルでは窓が見えない(板張りの窓になっている)所がほとんどなので、Negative promptに window, curtains等を追記する事をおすすめします。
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