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Arona and Plana | Blue Archive | Character LoCon

May 8, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Steps: 3,000
Trigger Words

Works well at 1, might need to reduce weight a bit if you want to remove the headbands. While Plana doesn't have an actual swimsuit outfit, I wanted to give her a swimsuit that was opposite to Arona's in color. The model was also trained with the assumption that genning both of them is wanted, and it is possible to do, even without regional prompting, though with some bleeding. All preview images were genned at 512x768 then controlnet tile upscaled + adetailer to 1280x1920 as that is my normal workflow. The images are only slightly cherry picked, being the best one of out 4-6 gens for each element, except for the images of them together, which was the best gens out of 14 or so. Personally, I believe that to be a very good ratio of good to bad gens given the complexity of generating two characters with distinct traits such as hair color, hair length, and eye color. I did sort of tag the different halo types that arona can make (heart halo, anger halo, green halo) but there isn't really enough in the dataset to make it worth mentioning past this. It does seem to be able to do heart halo decently enough.

This readme is also embedded in the model itself which you can look at by using the tab for additional networks.

all tags are as follows:

Plana common tags:

Plana, red halo, grey eyes, white hair, long hair, single braid, hair over one eye, flat chest

Plana main:

black hairband, white hair bow, black sailor collar, black serafuku, black choker, black pantyhose, black skirt, black jacket

Plana swim:

black hairband, white hair bow, white bikini

you might also need to add frilled to the bikini, white frilled bikini

Plana negative tags:

black bikini, black jacket (if you are putting them into something else, sometimes shows up with the bikini)

Arona common tags:

Arona, blue halo, blue eyes, blue hair, short hair, single braid, hair over one eye, flat chest

Arona main:

white hair bow, white hairband, blue shirt (or blue serafuku), white sailor collar, white skirt, white choker

Arona swim:

white hair bow, white hairband, black bikini

Arona negative tags:

red halo, black jacket (sometimes shows up with the bikini)