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v1-5-pruned-emaonly Reviews

SD1.5... Yes, it is crooked, oblique, and completely ugly and uncomfortable. BUT... You have to RESPECT it!

Why, you ask? And I will answer.

Because it's a MOTHER! And, as with a real mother, you may not like her weird pie or spiky knitted socks, but you have to respect and say THANK YOU!

Just remember that all those cute SD 1.5 models and merges that you are currently using, generating fantastic landscapes, seductive girls or brutal warriors... they came out of the womb of this model. And there are THOUSANDS of them!

So, you don't have to use it, but... just show SOME RESPECT. Stop your usual generation, and try to make a new picture in it, at least one.

Believe me, she will be very pleased that you remembered how it all started. ;)
