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Korean Men dolllikeness

May 11, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words

Championing the Beauty of Handsome Korean Men

1. lots of anime characters and women, but not much about men.

2. and all the male models are so ugly!

So I'm distributing this model for the value of handsome Korean men (even though I'm a man).

*Use the 'man' prompt, not the 'boy' prompt.

*no NSFW

[email protected]


Stable diffusion is a realm where imagination meets art, and the ordinary blends seamlessly with the extraordinary. Its vast universe is populated with a myriad of characters – fantastic beauty, fearless heroines, celebrities, and so much more. But in this colorful and diverse realm, one might notice a peculiar imbalance: a conspicuous lack of appealing male characters.

Why is the charm and allure of male characters often overlooked, replaced instead by exaggerated features that often border on caricature? Why do their female counterparts, in stark contrast, get to bask in the limelight of beauty and grace? It seems that the narrative of generative images has been skewed, subtly implying that aesthetic appeal is the exclusive domain of women, while men are left with the short end of the stick.

And I, for one, respectfully disagree.

Even though I'm a man, I feel compelled to champion the cause of handsome Korean men. Not merely as a reaction to the prevailing narrative, but as a testament to the fact that men, too, can embody beauty, charm, and appeal. It is a disservice to the art form itself to limit our interpretation of 'man' to the 'boy' prompt. It is high time we allowed the 'man' to exist in all his glory, celebrating the spectrum of masculine beauty just as we do the feminine.

In light of this, I've decided to introduce a model that serves to bridge this gap. This model is a tribute to the handsome Korean man, defying stereotypes, and championing the cause of aesthetic appeal in male characters. This character is not just a representation, but a statement, a challenge to the status quo, and a call for diversity.

But this initiative is not about undermining the representation of women or female characters. Quite the contrary. It's about balance, about showcasing the beauty of both genders, about creating a universe that is truly reflective of our own.

So let's reimagine the narrative, let's rewrite the story. Let's celebrate the value of a handsome Korean man, not just in the name of diversity, but for the sake of equality, representation, and authenticity. Let's step beyond the confines of the 'boy' prompt and embrace the 'man' prompt wholeheartedly, asserting that men too have a rightful place in the world of beauty and appeal.

Because Generative-AI, like art, should be a mirror to society, reflecting all its vibrant colors, not just a selected few. And it's high time we acknowledged the handsome Korean man's rightful place in this beautiful realm.