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May 26, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words

Hello and welcome to Unholy.

Unholy is a LORA specificly oriented for character design (hard to be flexible for landscapes although didn't test it at full). It brings elements like bioluminiscence and sci-fi but can aim to fantasy due to the trained data.

The main concept was simple: Create Sci-Fi + bioluminiscence element/s/chars but in a certain trained style. This LORA is the result of several trainings, curated selections and more trainings and polishing. It was trained via Noise Offset and Multiresnoise. This is the Noise Offset. If you're curious about the multires noise I will be releasing it on June for our Patreons. And probably free here after some months. Will put an image so you can see the difference.

About the LORA:

- The trigger word is "sc3pt4" and will bring heavier the Sci-Fi aesthetics with the lighting so the values recommended are 1 and 0.7-1 but you can try lower and I suppose it will work.

- The LORA works with and without token. If you find an extreme biasing to the sci-fi you can lower the LORA's strength or you can stop using the trigger word. Both works.
- Side portrait has a different understanding due the training same as portrait. Test it yourselves.
- It was tested on 8 different models but I think Colorful v3 and Rev Animated shines more (again, this maybe cause the seed).

- Of course you can test it but again, this LORA is not intended for landscape generations.
- This LORA works good with other ones, feel free to mix (and play with "Composable Lora" if you find not mixing in the right way).


I wrote an article here and it's like my finetunning diary for the ones interested with releases upcoming, trainings done, exclusive patreon models previews, personal thoughts, etc. So if you want to see what I'm planning or what I'm into, feel free to take a look.

Other than that, enjoy it and if you like this type of content support me and my pal in our Patreon for more quality goodies (and to pay the electricity bill):
