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Checkpoint Merge
Jul 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
default creator card background decoration
freek22's Avatar

A new dawn has come to this place! You need lots of models to get the full range of pictures ... not anymore !!!! This it the 1.5 Version

I have already made NewdawnXL please check that also out. This is a general model that basically can create anything. (see pictures)

trained and merged over months!

!!!Use it at your own risk, you a responsible for your own creations!!!

About the versions

V1 orginal version with the bugs see below

V3-5 far more photorealistic and stable

V3-6a the "drawing" model

V4a alpha version to 4-5

V4-5 Brings back photorealistic like V3-5 and the advatages of V4.0

V5-2 even more Photorealistic stable and improved overall quality and has a baked in vae

in the same step i got rid of most of the bugs that can be found below.

If you like stability and a solid tested model than this is your choice.

V6-4 more creative and photorealistic i merged my model Bacchus in and a bit of Colossus to archive that still in development and testing (Wip) ?

V-6-69 ( Brings back the Newdawn 5-3 Style) (WIP)

Please also check out my other model Bacchus that is a big step in creativity and style far more trained and advanced

which on is the best then?

the best way is just to test them out by yourself which model fits your personal style ;-)

it can handle high resolutions pretty well without big problems till 832x832

but works with lack of consistence till 1088x1088

Note: Still in developement

creates at some systems bad hands! in higher resolutions over 832x832

needs a vae to work good

i use this one .... vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned

known bugs so far : that i try to fix somedays::: (if possible)

1.: hates Viking woman! (some get really ugly)

2.:creates sometimes furrys without you wanted it!

especially when you will create an animal like dogs or cats

use the word animal for example:

animal dog = dog

dog = ? (mixed results)(suprise)

anthro / furry dog = furry ;-)

3.: it is really horny and hates clothing sometimes! ;-)

PS: will report every sick photo that is posted here!

please give some feedback if you like ;-)