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Gender Slider

Updated: Jun 15, 2023
Jun 13, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words
Pandora's Heart

Don't let the Model or Lora push a gender on you. Male, female, and every point in between. You decide. This isn't to push any agenda, just giving you the tools to get the image you want, despite the biases that might be in the model you use. Maybe you don't want a dragon with breasts, or you just want to know what Daniel Craig's sister would look like... this will fix that for you.

I developed this gender slider for use with popular pose and character LORAs that have specific gender training. It makes it hard to get the gender you want when using them. I continued to develop it into a full robust gender slider. These embeddings will fix all gender problems for you. It can make anyone, in any Lora, on any model, any gender. Even animals and fantasy creatures.

Follow me to make sure you see new tools like this, or new styles, poses and Nobodys when I post them. Things move fast on this site, it's easy to miss.

How to use:
Just use one of the positive prompts listed to get the desired results. Use them at various strengths to get the desired results. Make sure they have the appropriate modifier brackets. Example, for automatic1111 it would be (GS-Masculine:0.8), the parenthesis are required. They are stackable, so you can combine them together to help with stubborn models. A negative embedding is also included for extra brute force if needed. Check the version tabs at the top.

These embeddings push people to the masculine.

  • GS-DeFeminize-Neg: Place in your negative prompt at strength of 1.0 to 1.3, removes beauty, makeup, breasts, and other feminine characteristics.

  • GS-Boyish: Place in your positive prompt at strength of 0.4 to 1.3. Conceptually pushes towards androgynous but more butch or boyish in nature. May vary by model, lora, or prompts.

  • GS-Masculine: Place in your positive prompt at strength of 0.2 to 1.3. Conceptually pushes towards rough and strong seasoned masculinity. May vary by model, lora, or prompts.

These embeddings push people to the feminine.

  • GS-DeMasculate-Neg: Place in your negative prompt at strength of 1.0 to 1.3. This will removes beards, penises and other masculine features. Great for removing males from a scene.

  • GS-Girlish: Place in your positive prompt at strength of 0.1 to 1.3. Conceptually pushes towards cute and pretty, fun and energetic female in nature. May vary by model, lora, or prompts.

  • GS-Womanly: (coming shortly)

These are the concepts for the embeddings. Some models, character LoRAs, or embeddings might be too rigid, so increase strength or stack on multiple to get the desired result. Additional prompts may help as well.

Do you have requests? I've been putting in many more hours lately with this. That's my problem, not yours. But if you'd like to tip me, buy me a beer. Beer encourages me to ignore work and make AI models instead. Tip and make a request. I'll give it a shot if I can. Here at Ko-Fi
