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Trails/Kiseki series - 259 characters/outfits [ILLUSTRIOUS]

Jan 4, 2025
Base Model
Trigger Words
Example prompts are included in the prompts folder
default creator card background decoration
irrel's Avatar

This is a set of 259 characters/outfits from the Trails series for use with Illustrious-XL v0.1 or its derivatives.

The .zip file contains:

  • 259 lora files (~20MB each)

  • A folder with 2 text files containing example prompts for each character

    • kiseki-illustrious.txt (characters' physical features and outfit)

    • kiseki-noclothes-illustrious.txt (characters' physical features only)

This set is trained using the same data as my Pony collection. Some of the more obscure characters/outfits were trained entirely on 3D renders, and Illustrious doesn't seem to like them very much, resulting in weird saturation or overly 3D looking images. You can play with the lora weight or try adding 3d to the negative prompt if this happens.

Illustrious-based models are generally more faithful to the prompt than Pony models; if you're generating upper body images and have "boots" in the prompt, the model is going to bend over backwards to generate a pair of boots somewhere in the image. The prompts I give are just examples, feel free to edit them and experiment. You can probably come up with better prompts yourself.


New: AlfinReiseArnorSwimsuit, AlisaReinfordSwimsuit, AureliaLeGuinSwimsuit, AureliaLeGuinYounger, EliseSchwarzerSwimsuit, FieClaussellSwimsuit, Hermes, ProfessorSeiland, QuatreSalisionIdol, ScherazardHarveyCS4, TowaHerschelSwimsuit

Updated: AnelaceElfeadHajimari, Becky, Bennet, CelineMillstein, ClariceSeeker, Edel, Flotte, Grandmaster, HalColeman, IsaraIrving, Jingo, JosetteCapuaColdSteel, JosetteCapuaSky, KaelaMacMillan, KisaraCasual, KisaraUniform, Mint, Regina, Sandy, SaylaCasual, SaylaIdol, ScarletHajimari, Valerie, ValerieNurse

  • Improved most of the models that had issues porting to Illustrious

  • Updated example prompts

I gave up on the v-pred model plans, it's too much work

Included characters:

  1. Ada Grant

  2. Aeolia

  3. Agnes Claudel (5 outfits)

  4. Aida

  5. Alfin Reise Arnor (5 outfits)

  6. Alisa Reinford (4 outfits)

  7. Altera

  8. Altina Orion (6 outfits)

  9. Anelace Elfead (2 outfits)

  10. Angelica Rogner (2 outfits)

  11. Annabelle

  12. Arianrhod

  13. Ashen Lu

  14. Ashleigh

  15. Aurelia Le Guin (3 outfits)

  16. Aurier Vander

  17. Becky

  18. Bennet

  19. Beryl

  20. Bridget

  21. Carna

  22. Cecile Neues (2 outfits)

  23. Celine Millstein

  24. Celis Ortesia (2 outfits)

  25. Claire Rieveldt (3 outfits)

  26. Clarice Seeker

  27. Creha

  28. Diana

  29. Dorothee

  30. Dorothy Hyatt

  31. Duvalie (5 outfits)

  32. Edel

  33. Ein Selnate

  34. Elaine Auclair (4 outfits)

  35. Elie MacDowell (3 outfits)

  36. Elise Schwarzer (4 outfits)

  37. Emilia Harling

  38. Emily

  39. Emma Millstein (3 outfits)

  40. Ennea

  41. Erika Russell

  42. Esmeray Archette (2 outfits)

  43. Estelle Bright (3 outfits)

  44. Fatma Worzel

  45. Feri Al-Fayed (3 outfits)

  46. Ferris Florald

  47. Fie Claussell (5 outfits)

  48. Fiona Craig

  49. Flotte

  50. Fran Seeker

  51. Grace Lynn

  52. Grandmaster

  53. Grimcats

  54. Hal Coleman

  55. Hermes (with/without helmet)

  56. Ilya Platiere (2 outfits)

  57. Ines

  58. Irina Reinford

  59. Isara Irving

  60. Jessica Schleiden

  61. Jill Ridonor

  62. Jingo

  63. Jolda

  64. Josette Capua (2 outfits)

  65. Judith Ranster (3 outfits)

  66. Julia Schwarz

  67. Juna Crawford (4 outfits)

  68. Kaela MacMillan

  69. Kanone Amalthea (2 outfits)

  70. Kate (2 outfits)

  71. KeA (2 outfits)

  72. Kilika Rouran (2 outfits)

  73. Kisara (2 outfits)

  74. Klaudia Von Auslese (3 outfits)

  75. Lapis Rosenberg (2 outfits)

  76. Laura S Arseid (3 outfits)

  77. Lavian Winslet

  78. Leonora

  79. Lila (2 outfits)

  80. Lina Crawford

  81. Linde

  82. Louise (2 outfits)

  83. Lucia Schwarzer

  84. Lucrezia Isselee

  85. Lucy Seiland

  86. Lulua (2 outfits)

  87. Lynn

  88. Lyra Barton

  89. Mare

  90. Margarita Dresden (2 versions)

  91. Mariabell Crois (2 outfits)

  92. Marielle Ayme

  93. Martha Herschel

  94. Maya

  95. Millium Orion

  96. Mint

  97. Mirabel Aalton

  98. Mireille

  99. Misty

  100. Musse Egret (4 outfits)

  101. Nadia Rayne (2 outfits)

  102. Naje Berca

  103. Nina Fenly (3 outfits)

  104. Noel Seeker (3 outfits)

  105. Noi

  106. Odette

  107. Olympia

  108. Patiry

  109. Paulette

  110. Priscilla Reise Arnor

  111. Professor Seiland

  112. Quatre Salision (virtual idol version)

  113. Rebecca

  114. Regina

  115. Renne Bright (4 outfits)

  116. Ries Argent

  117. Risette Twinings (4 outfits)

  118. Rixia Mao (3 outfits)

  119. Rosalie

  120. Roselia Millstein (2 versions)

  121. Rosine

  122. Rufina Argent

  123. Saara (2 outfits)

  124. Sandy

  125. Sara Valestein

  126. Sayla (2 outfits)

  127. Scarlet (2 outfits)

  128. Scherazard Harvey (2 outfits)

  129. Shahina (2 outfits)

  130. Shanshan

  131. Sharon Kreuger (2 outfits)

  132. Shino

  133. Shirley Orlando (3 outfits)

  134. Shizuku MacLaine (2 outfits)

  135. Shizuna Rem Misurugi (3 outfits)

  136. Sonya Baelz

  137. Sophia Hayworth

  138. Sully Atraid (2 outfits)

  139. Tatiana

  140. Theresia Caroline

  141. Tio Plato (2 outfits)

  142. Tita Russell (2 outfits)

  143. Towa Herschel (5 outfits)

  144. Ulrica

  145. Valerie (2 outfits)

  146. Viola

  147. Vita Clotilde (2 outfits)

  148. Vivi

  149. Wendy

  150. Yume

  151. Zita Asverl