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Pony SDXL Hidden Tag Collection (3/??)

110zcoz _ 1.png
2wf _ 1.png
6zg _ 1.png
dr _ 1.png
Images hidden due to mature content settings

Baseline images are female, male, Jinx, Sephiroth with the additional prompt of "clothed".

Image1: 110ezcoz - Unknown cartoon. Refined to 110zcoz. Very distinctive style.

Image2: 2wf - Unknown cartoon.

Image3: 6zg - Does not appear to be a tag.

Image4: 9AG - Unknown cartoon.

Image5: 9uv - Unknown cartoon.

Image6: *dr - Doctor outfit

The last image is for Doctors. I wasn't initially going to include it, but when I tested it, "*dr" actually had better prompt adherence then just "dr". As it also has it's own distinct style, I kept it in.