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20565-3080328325-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering card, dana scully, text that says _creature_, text that says _power - skeptic_ _lora_DanaSc.png
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20596-4115981733-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering card, _lora_watson_lora_v2_128_1.2_ ohwx, emma watson hermione granger, harry potter wand,.png
20693-54077705-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering, keith morrison dateline,text that says_ Legendary Detective.png
20694-42998808-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering, insane wizard shooting magic and fire and explosions and zomg u guys this is so 100000 mil.png
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20630-3335503568-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering card, optimus prime.png
20670-1371836322-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering,one punch man, _lora_Punched_0.8_ punched_in_the_face.png
20612-2855091617-_lora_MagicXL_1_ magic the gathering card, barfing vomit, text that says _artifact - yuck-mail_.png