Elara and Lars are two very gifted siblings, seemingly in their twenties, who were brought up by John and Beth Caldwell while having being kept as a secret from rest of the world. John and Beth are two scientists, who are the founders and owners of 'EctoGenics', the world leading research lab which specializes in targeted genome manipulation and ectogenesis (bringing babies into life in artificial wombs).
As awkward as it may seem and with all its absurdity, the couple is also producing a sci-fi reality TV series called "Noah", which has recently won significant awards, one of which is an Emmy that belongs to Elara, who's been acting for only 6 months. Elara gets invited to the "Late Night" show because of these achievements of hers.
Connor, the host, shows a collage from the series, "Noah", where see that there are problems in EctoGenics labs, with the main problem being that the babies grow up at least 4x faster than they should have. This problem causes a conflict and relates to the Caldwell family. John, obsessed with perfecting these ectogenic kids through targeted genome manipulation, thinks that these perfect kids will save the world from coming to an end. Beth, on the other hand thinks that sacrificing these perfect kids' lives is not the right way to go. One day, Noah, the android scientist who works and lives with the Caldwells is pushed by John to tell Beth that the tests he ran shows that he has found a solution to the accelerated aging problem. In the meantime, Elara and Lars has start to work at Ectogenics and Elara discovers a secret of Noah at Noah's lab and faces him.
This is my first attempt to create an AI short movie. Storytelling-wise, I had two intentions in mind at all times during the creation:
Firstly, I wanted to leave an open end which hopefully would leave the interpretation to the viewer as to what has actually been happening and in which realm - the series or real-life? It would be very nice for me if I could have left the viewers with question marks of why's, as well as other creators with what if's and maybe even any intentions to fill out the gaps in the storyline however they would like to. Or maybe create completely new things with characters, so I published all the character LORAs.
Secondly, there has been some scenes or gaps that I intentionally left out, just to be able to convey that this story has a lot more to be elaborated on and is open for further expansion. Many things like
the name of both the series and this project's being 'Noah';
the reason why android's name is Noah in the first place
this part being less about Noah and more about other things, i to bes there in order to be able to showcase the potential of the story, b-stories and character arcs for further expansion.
On the other hand, there are two particular scenes that would have taken place right before the end if I did not run out of time. I have posted the film without those two scenes anyways, because I have scripted the very last scene beforehand to still be able to serve the two main intentions of mine. I knew the time could be an issue, especially for me as a first-timer.
I also set an intention All the character LORAs were trained and published on civitai. So, other than selling the LORAs, please feel free to use them anyway you like.
I also want to make a video about the workflows I used whenever I can find some free time. I really enjoyed the process and appreciate being part of such a great community...
I am impatiently looking for any criticism, or any comments on Noah from the community. Please go ahead and do so if you find some spare time.
Wishing you guys all good luck!