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Pony SDXL Hidden Tag Collection (12/??)

bbq _ 1.png
bduc _ 1.png
bdvn _ 1.png
bea _ 1.png
benb _ 3.png
Images hidden due to mature content settings

Baseline images are female, male, Jinx, Sephiroth with the additional prompt of "clothed".

Image1: bave - Artist Mina Cream. Strong in both cartoon and anime source. This seed is not very good at showing off this style.

Image2: bbq - Unknown anime style. Actually a nice style, but need to use stronger weight of 1.3 or higher. You also get food bleed in the background due to abbreviation of barbeque. Strongest in anime, weak in pony.

Image3: bduc - Unknown cartoon style. Clean strong lines and defaults to no background. Seems to do better with less prompting. Strong in cartoon.

Image4: bdvn - Unknown furry style with NSFW leanings. Strongest in furry source.

Image5: bea - Bea from Pokemon. Strongest in source cartoon.

Image6: benb - Artist Shiory (hentai artist). Use at around 0.6 weight. Strong in all sources.