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Pony SDXL Hidden Tag Collection (13/??)

bfix _ 1.png
bfu _ 1.png
bfwf _ 1.png
bhp _ 3.png
bifp _ 3.png
bih _ 3.png

Baseline images are female, male, Jinx, Sephiroth with the additional prompt of "clothed".

Image1: bfix - Unknown cartoon style of short stacks. Strong in all sources.

Image2: bfu - Unknown cartoon style. Tends to go colorless at higher weights, sometimes adding some type of snout, but no fur. Strong in all sources other than pony.

Image3: bfwf - Unknown western style. Higher weights=More realistic. Unclear why the male went furry, as did not see furry attributes at higher weights. Strong in cartoon and anime.

Image4: bhp - Bleed from artist bow (bhp). Strongest in cartoon and anime.

Image5: bifp - Artist peculiart. This one is tough as you need higher weights to get closer to the way the artist does faces, but then the body degrades. I think you'd have to get creative with negative prompting to duplicate the full style. Strong in all sources..

Image6: bih - Unknown anime style. This is another one where this seed isn't great with this style. Faces are similar style to Ken Akamatsu, but the rest of the art style doesn't match. Like this one at 1.2 weight. Strongest under source cartoon, then furry. Strongest under cartoon.