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Sepia reduction experimentation

by z ton tianliang duohe fangdongye 0 8-93576968-114514-Euler a-7-28-(1344x1728)-c6c061e9.png
by z ton tianliang duohe fangdongye 0 8-93576968-114514-Euler a-7-28-(1344x1728)-fe8eb8a4.png
by z ton tianliang duohe fangdongye 0 8-93576968-114514-Euler a-7-28-(2689x2210)-1d314ea3.webp
by z ton tianliang duohe fangdongye 0 8-b4095028-114514-Euler a-7-28-(1344x1728)-1a8f2c62.png
by z ton tianliang duohe fangdongye 0 8-b4095028-114514-Euler a-7-28-(1344x1728)-4a6f366e.png
by z ton tianliang duohe fangdongye 0 8-b4095028-114514-Euler a-7-28-(2689x2210)-b15d5a0f.webp
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Experimentation with using lesser used model fusion techniques in order to enhance lighting and reduce inherent sepia abundance. CLIP replacement with LobotomyMix for better prompt adherence.

Experimental models can be found on HuggingFace