Revy (Black Lagon) - Lora - v1.0 Review
To be honest this one feels a bit rough around the edges. I never really put much effort into figuring why, but sometimes when I generate images they fail to generate completely. Usually it's like 3-4 images per 100 but with this Lora it's more like 1 in 5. I have a feeling it just doesn't cooperate with something else that I'm using. Other than that there are some bad hands and bad anatomy.
The good parts are that quality of images is fine and backgrounds were coming out great and seemingly unaffected. The character looks pretty good on weight 0.7-0.8 where I used it and I didn't had much trouble with outfits, apart from leather straps/holsters leaking in a bit. I like Revy (got my nendoroid not long ago!) and I like the images that I ended up with but I just wish they took less effort than they did TwT