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Testing out, Looks great so far.

00051-2978239978-Portrait of male crew member, Engineer, GreaseMonkey, Janitor, in a dynamic pose wearing a Star Trek Uniform onboard a starship.png
00049-2189678015-Portrait of male crew member, Engineer, GreaseMonkey, Janitor, in a dynamic pose wearing a Star Trek Uniform onboard a starship.png
00042-1926509604-Up-close Portrait of Female crew member in a dynamic pose wearing a Star Trek Uniform onboard a starship-before-face-restoration.png
00046-381575790-Up-close Portrait of male crew member, Engineer, GreaseMonkey, Janitor, in a dynamic pose wearing a Star Trek Uniform onboard a-before-face-restoration.png
00041-2919290531-Up-close Portrait of Female crew member standing on the bridge of a starship wearing a Star Trek Uniform.png
00035-2944780196-Portrait of Man standing on the bridge of a starship wearing a orange uniform.png
00034-314870345-Portrait of Man standing on the bridge of a starship.png
00039-382289089-Portrait of Female crew member standing on the bridge of a starship wearing a Star Trek Uniform.png

Really good Lora, great for Star Trek Adventures RPG.