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Legend of Zelda OCs

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Some OC's from a post-Tears of the Kingdom fanfic I've been playing with. It's just a writing exercise, but I like seeing examples of characters I work on, so here they are. The characters in order are:
Lynna - Protagonist, a Sheikah girl from Kakariko who aspires to join the Royal Guard. Struggles with anxiety, but can become a laser-focused warrior in seconds if someone is in danger.
King Gauravo - King of Hyrule, only son of the former king and a Gerudo mistress, first Gerudo male born in centuries. Repressed anger issues.

Melkau - minor Zora nobility and distant cousin of King Sidon who has frequent prophetic, but debilitating visions

Komi - Lynna's younger sister and a prodigy in the study of ancient languages

Chancellor Ghirahim - King Gauravo's second in command, a Sheikah man known for being highly organized and effective, if a bit vain.

King Zant - The 'King of Twilight' who emerges suddenly, offering friendship to the kingdom of Hyrule. His intentions are a mystery