Added better UI integration
If you want to play around with this and need guidance:
cd stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/main
git remote add pixelnet
git fetch pixelnet
git cherry-pick pixelnet/teding/feat/pixelnet
If you encounter a conflict error, you can abort this process by doing:
git cherry-pick --abort
git reset --hard origin/main
To remove the changes and revert back to the original code:
git reset --hard origin/main
The PixelNet preprocessor does not process input images. If any are supplied, they are completely ignored.
"Pixel Perfect" ignores the Preprocessor's "Image Width" and "Image Height" and instead uses the dimensions provided by text-to-image.
If you are not using "Pixel Perfect" and the dimensions don't match, you may find "Crop and Resize" to be more intuitive than "Just Resize". You can observe the preview image to see when and how they differ.
Like other the other ControlNet preprocessors, this properly serializes the PixelNet-specific slider information to the image metadata.