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Popular Faces

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Popular Faces

Popular Faces is track three of Egotoxin, the thirteen track, story heavy album by Boss Moxi. The album is a fusion of rock, opera, spoken word and experimental jazz based in Yugen City. The fictional world in which the band reside. This world is further explored in the hand-drawn, 118 page graphic novel of the same name, which was born as a result of the music.

Now, as Boss Moxi enter the depths of emerging technology, they have collaborated with AI visual artist Jas Black on Popular Faces.

Following the composition of each of the scene’s graphic novel panels, the film was shot on a Sony A7iii in the studios of RnA (Lisbon). The shots were edited and then rendered with vid2vid workflows on ComfyUI with Hotshot animatediff and Ipadapter, using the combined visual art styles of both Boss Moxi and Jas Black.

A truly multi-modal exploration of how illustration, film, music and storytelling can be amplified by artificial intelligence.

Shot by Boss Moxi at 204.No-Content / RnA Studios

Performances by Joshua Scicluna & Sofie Heyman


Watch the Behind the scenes, how this video was made here :