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Astarion 1.0 - v1.0 Review

03787-3123432360-1girl, solo, veil, portrait of astarion,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_3_, red ballgown, grandeur, inspiring, masterpiece, best quality.png
03791-23322811-1girl, solo, veil, portrait of astarion,red eyes,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_2_, ((red gold coat)), pointy ears, grandeur, inspiring.png
03795-19637576-1girl, solo, veil, portrait of astarion,red eyes,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_2_, (( gold coat)), pointy ears, grandeur, inspiring, m.png
03796-3464756905-1girl, solo, veil, portrait of astarion,red eyes,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_2_, (( gold coat)), pointy ears, grandeur, inspiring, m.png
03805-3072802706-(1boy), solo, portrait of astarion,red eyes, silver hair, mature male,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_2_, ((red embroidered cotton coat).png
03810-3579881840-(1boy), solo, portrait of astarion,red eyes,  mature male,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_2_, ((red_1.2 jacket)),  ((embroidered coat)),.png
03811-1021527316-(1boy), solo, portrait of astarion,red eyes,  mature male,_lora_Char_bg3-Astarion_2_, ((red_1.2 jacket)),  ((embroidered coat)),.png
Images hidden due to mature content settings

There's a problem: Even with simple prompts like silver hair or red eyes, it generates a female character.

Jams the dial up to 11 - Oh, darn. I guess I wont use it th...

(in my model I had to jam it to 2-3 strength, might be a smidge undertrained. Or I'm doing something wrong)