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SDXL FaeTastic - v1.0 Review

00042-[number]-593206727-male Subspace communicator technician, , Fifty-something Shapely, Latin American, Violet eyes,   Cleft Chin,       , Brunette Ca.png
00050-[number]-593206735-female Nanomedicine researcher, , Hundred years old, Shapely, Berber, Honey eyes, Elongated Ears, Button Nose,       , Emerald G.png
00041-[number]-593206726-male , Elderly Sturdy, African, Deep blue eyes, Unusual Ears,   Chiseled Jaw,   Oval face shape,  Freckles, Grey Spiky textured.png
00040-[number]-593206725-male Nanomedicine researcher, Galactic gods- Towering, resplendent beings emanating celestial auras and astral symbols., Golden.png
00037-[number]-593206722-male Haptic Feedback Systems Engineer, Virtual Constructs, Digital entities existing purely in virtual reality, taking on variou.png
00033-[number]-593206718-female Software developer, Androids- Human-like robots with sleek metallic bodies and lifelike synthetic skin., Legal age, Curva.png
00034-[number]-593206719-male Teenager Refined, South Asian, Blue eyes, Protruding Ears, Deviated Septum Nose, Unusual Chin,   Angular Forehead,  Articul.png
00035-[number]-593206720-male , Senior Muscular, East Asian, Light brown eyes, Unlobed Ears, Angular Nose,  Strong Jaw,   Round face shape, Athletic Buil.png
00038-[number]-593206723-male Virtual reality programmer, , Late twenties Lean, Central Asian, Dark brown eyes,     Defined Cheeks, Broad Forehead, Heart.png
00039-[number]-593206724-female Augmented Reality Street Artist, , Retirement age, Slinky, Maori, Golden eyes,  Deviated Septum Nose,   Full Cheeks,   De.png
00043-[number]-593206728-male Urban Merc, Virtual Constructs, Digital entities existing purely in virtual reality, taking on various forms and functions,.png
00044-[number]-593206729-female Net Runner, , Senior, Slim, African, Chestnut eyes, Protruding Ears, Fleshy Nose, Square Chin, Unusual Jaw,  High Forehea.png
00046-[number]-593206731-male Cybernetic Rehabilitation Therapist, , Young adult Tall, Southeast Asian, Emerald eyes, Curled Ears, Deviated Septum Nose,.png
00049-[number]-593206734-female , Ageless, Brawny, Scandinavian, Honey eyes,  Nostril Narrow Nose,  Wide Jaw, Unusual Cheeks,  Long face shape, Striking.png
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