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Surreal Plate - SD XL Showcase

00161-4204768016-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a miniature garden growing atop a stack of pancakes.png
00156-1709990748-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with an opal obelisk and a cloudy rainbow.png
00170-2396327551-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a stairway spiraling upwards, leading to a sky filled with cotton candy cloud.png
00157-548720780-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a roman stone titan standing in soup.png
00150-1292952014-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a city scape and a cloud.png
00151-599878283-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a palm tree on top of it.png
00154-1063932613-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with soap foam and bubbles.png
00155-4138668577-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate of water over which a cloud with rain is flying.png
00159-1340126764-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with floating feathers and a cascade of colorful confetti.png
00164-2756468515-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a clock melting and distorting into abstract shapes.png
00165-465161187-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a tree sprouting from a slice of bread.png
00167-3002815314-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a miniature carousel spinning and playing hauntingly beautiful music.png
00173-2458686543-_lora_Surreal Plate_1_Surreal Plate - a plate with a miniature hot air balloon gracefully floating above a cup of steaming coffe.png