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00150-2187392518-cf7-Euler a-s30-8687d7a5.png
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00157-2187392525-cf7-Euler a-s30-8687d7a5.png
00141-1447338506-cf7-Euler a-s30-8687d7a5.png
00111-1134802174-cf7-Euler a-s30-8687d7a5.png
00108-1134802171-cf7-Euler a-s30-8687d7a5.png
00100-1134802163-cf7-Euler a-s30-8687d7a5.png
WOW. This is amazing. Probably the best-looking generations I've ever had with so little prompt tweaking. After generating the example images for this I had to generate more for this review just because I liked it so much!