404 Contest Images
Inspiratation is from Hercule Poirot who is a famous detective. The idea was to make Poirot look stumped, as nothing really stumps Poirot for too long! Working in technical SEO myself, I know full well the fustration of coming across 404's. If only site owners would take care of their site health more ><. I generated these images for fun, I hope you like them! I love the Poirot's pose and expression on his face in the second image. AI really had some creative thoughts there.
If I had more time I would have tried the following improvements:
First image: correct hands in first image
Second image: Adjust right part of mustache to be black, adjust the text
Control of the text is difficult, even with negative prompting, but no external programs were used, just what's available on CivitAI. Any tips appeciated.