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01445-3593396246-ralph-mcquarrie style, ancient greek architecture done in a sci-fi style space station, oil painting, beautiful, highly detailed.png
01439-3593396240-ralph-mcquarrie style, ancient greek architecture done in a sci-fi style space station, oil painting, beautiful, highly detailed.png
01394-139807340-ralph-mcquarrie style, greek architecture done in a sci-fi style on a beautiful forest and meadow scene with tall buildings and.png
01391-139807337-ralph-mcquarrie style, greek architecture done in a sci-fi style on a beautiful forest and meadow scene with tall buildings and.png
01406-2437676923-ralph-mcquarrie style, ancient greek architecture done in a sci-fi style on a beautiful forest and meadow scene with tall buildi.png
01397-2437676916-ralph-mcquarrie style, greek architecture done in a sci-fi style on a beautiful forest and meadow scene with tall buildings and.png

Seems to get the point across fairly well. I loved it