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Rise Fails. Thoughts in post.

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01: Umm... Rise? WTF is that expression?! Also, hand weirdness.

02: Rise...appears very happy to see Senpai... Hope he is into pegging...

03: In and of itself, not terrible. But its not Rise.

04: I honestly love the way this looks, but that third arm and the weird finger things on the left side kinda ruin it. May touch it up later.

05: As with #3, looks great. Just not Rise enough.

06: Nothing overly wrong with this one. Just didn't make the cut I guess...

07: Not sure how to feel on this one. On the one hand it looks amazing. Could be considered "artsy". On the other hand, wtf is even going on?

08: Mostly OK, but the weird hair leg thing and the hand disappearing in the back...

09: "Yosuke-senpai is the best!" "...Your foster idol is dead."

10: Intersting, but three arms is a bit much.

11: I kinda like this but....

12/13: These would have gone great with the entire church of rise thing, but again with the too many limbs or weird hands thing.

14: This one looked great... until I noticed the weird backwards arm hing holding the ...whatever that is...

15: Looks great....except for the feet.

16: Rise the plastic surgery addict? WTF is even going on here?!

17/18: These two don't look terrible, in and of themselves, but are kind of weirdly proportioned. Likely do to CN pose.

19: I really like the look of this, but multiple arms. And just really busy. Where is my attention supposed to go?!