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Visual Representation of Checkpoints circa summer 2023.. work in progress

Visual Representation of Checkpoints circa summer 2023.. work in progress

Comparion map I did way back in July 2023 to Oct, 2023 on checkpoints

Hey, I sorta did this awhile back, I've really stopped it but I just wanted to post this up for anybody interested. Everybody often wonders which checkpoint is closer to which. With the constant update and information overload. People learn 10X faster visually and with references they can understand the world we live in much faster than just "wall of text" and biased opinions. Anyways I used ASimilairty calcuator as well as Gephi to graph the similarity, as I have lost my 2018-2020 graphical programs to graph relationships etc... (node based). Anyways Gephi does the job. But I plan on making a hexgram Pie chart/rating system to grade how similar each checkpoint to which with the 6 fartherest checkpoint (and famous ones) as reference point. Think the hex power charts people use in Japan etc... Anyways Here's the original article:

I will also put some older charts I did as well. Probably the best chart to base a hexagram relationship chart off of.

Some of the older ones I had to comparison with.

I will attach my most recent excel spreadsheet. Ofc there is a HUGE honking error, but I'm too lazy to redo the script/python code to mass compare them. One flaw is the difference in values whey comparing A to B then B to A, it should be the same. Also my attempt at rounding the values with weights or something say a scale of 0-1 vs. 0-100%. Both attempts failed but I tried to say give weights to similar nodes, but without a reference point, it's just a hot mess.

Help with this project is appreciated. Or if you want to take over etc... I can include more images when I have time.

