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!WARNING! Train OCs without Images | Automatic1111

!WARNING! Train OCs without Images  |  Automatic1111

!WARNING! some of my own embeddings created with this methode have been reported and sanctioned by Civitai(Jan 21, 2025)! Please be aware this could get you in trouble with Civitai!!

Disclaimer: This Methode is pretty limited an does not work 100% of the time!

To be honest this is pretty simple all you need is Automatic1111 and the Embedding Merge extension.

Now you need to think about the character you want to create, and we do so by only using normal prompting. The catch is we have to do it with 75 tokens or less(This is a limitation from the extension)

three thinks that are very helpful for consistency are the name, ethnicity and a little cheaty trick i will explain later. Let's create a example together:

- Try to prompt for the visual features, like haircolor, hairstyle, bodyshape, etc, you want as simple as possible

"short ginger hair, pixie hairstyle, skinny, big breasts, age 25"

Pretty similar but still far from Consistent.

Let's give our character a name and ethnicity: "Sarah Mcloud irish woman"
If you have problems with names try THIS

"portrait, short ginger hair, pixie hairstyle, skinny, big breasts, age 25, Sarah Mcloud irish woman"

still not there, but that is where my cheaty little trick comes in! We will fuse our character with 2 Celebritys: Cobie Smulders and Emma Stone(That's just my choice for this example you can try and choose the celebritys you want)

Choose very well known Celebritys and to make sure try some test generations to see if the model(s) you use "know" the celebritys.

Note: the order of the celebrity names makes a difference so try flipping the around!

"short ginger hair, pixie hairstyle, skinny, big breasts, age 25, Sarah Mcloud irish woman fused with Cobie Smulders fused with Emma Stone"

instead of "Fused" you can also use "Mixed with"

"short ginger hair, pixie hairstyle, skinny, big breasts, age 25, Sarah Mcloud irish woman mixed with Cobie Smulders mixed with Emma Stone"

or "as"

"short ginger hair, pixie hairstyle, skinny, big breasts, age 25, Sarah Mcloud irish woman as Cobie Smulders as Emma Stone"

The difference is minimal but depending on the faces you try to use one can work better than the others.

Now we copy our Character prompt and get over to the Embedding merge extension, paste our prompt, choose a name for the Embedding an hit "Parse!" The Merged Embedding gets saved in your Embeddings folder. You can play around with the settings and options of the extension but in my experience they don't make a real difference for this.

Now we can use our Character Embedding like usual:

HERE you can find more information on merging faces

